The weekend has been fun and I have had a little freedom with Alex being in Kentucky, Kelsey pretty much just lets me know where she is, of course with proper parentaly questioning.
Last night I again played a cash poker game, and won 2nd in the second game bringing home my fees and a little extra, not bad, I truly enjoy the cash games more than the free, but the free games make me make decisions based on a no knowledge of the other player, plus 1/2 are idiots so they don't 'play' properly, they just play.
Gearing up for the new year I spent most of the day doing household chores, taking down the holiday stuff and getting it packed up and the house back in order.
Now its time to get ready to go out, starting with a Nap!!!
Changing Direction 2012
Is it really about the customer?
Musings on my interactions and other items that catch my fancy during my daily course of life.
Formerly about the life & times of a single soccer mom, two girls, 4 cats and a dog; the girls have grown and are in college, I am still single and we sadly lost one cat but gained a puppy.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
The Day of my Birth!
The party began at midnight and it was a good one. Having traveled home yesterday from Chicago, I got home early and decided to go out for my regular Wed. Poker game - I found myself with enough time to take a nice long shower, slather myself in rich lotion, put heavy conditioner in my hair and lay down for a nap to let it all soak in... ahhhhh - up again and ready to enjoy the evening I headed out. Being on mySpace most of my poker buds knew my birthday was in a few hours and decided to begin the festivities early. Shots began arriving while I was playing, which of course I had to do, come on - it was in my honor. As the evening continued, I was sang happy birthday several times (it was karoke night as well), did a couple of body shots off my best friend which the boys just couldnt handled and as with tradition, got spanked - thanks Cory for bringing out the bar paddle, much appreciated - not. I made it home safely with a nice buzz and a smile from enjoying a fine evening with friends.
Up early in the day to deliver Alex to a friends in Kentucky. We arrived on time, but they had been delayed, since it was easier, I continued to drive east and we met up near Frankfort. Since I was so close I tracked down a friend of mine I contribute to being the devil who got me into this computer stuff - damn you devil. We got a few hours of catching up in and it was good to see an old friend. Back on the road again, I arrived home to get ready for dinner with Kelsey and Leann, we decided a little house of Tokoyo action, it was all good. Kelsey went off to hang, Leann and I were off to play cards again. This evening was a lot more low-key in the 'drinking' department, still suffering from the evening before.
It was a nice birthday, and if your wondering - i'm 36 - lol
Up early in the day to deliver Alex to a friends in Kentucky. We arrived on time, but they had been delayed, since it was easier, I continued to drive east and we met up near Frankfort. Since I was so close I tracked down a friend of mine I contribute to being the devil who got me into this computer stuff - damn you devil. We got a few hours of catching up in and it was good to see an old friend. Back on the road again, I arrived home to get ready for dinner with Kelsey and Leann, we decided a little house of Tokoyo action, it was all good. Kelsey went off to hang, Leann and I were off to play cards again. This evening was a lot more low-key in the 'drinking' department, still suffering from the evening before.
It was a nice birthday, and if your wondering - i'm 36 - lol
Tuesday, December 26, 2006's time to rest

Sort of, the girls and I headed to Chicago after spending Christmas morning at home. It has been awhile since I had been home and I was looking forward to seeing my parents, resting and fulfilling my gastric delights of home.
I did rest a bit and if you get a chance, rent RV, it's a good movie for giggles. We got my parents a wireless router and webcam for christmas, this was another reason for the visit, tech support. I spent most of the day today getting thier computer hooked up, cleaned up and setup with a couple new accounts - seems dad is interested in getting into e-bay when he finally retires (this will be the second time around).

Both the girls got digital cameras for christmas so I expect a wealth of pics to be available, mom is still saving for the one she wants.
I indulged in one of my favorite pizzas Baranaby's and of course Zippy's Italian Beef, top that off with my favorite (birthday) cake of chocolate and white icing - I was all good!
Sated and Happy.....
Friday, December 22, 2006
Wishing Everyone..
Counting my Blessings....
My mood has been foul lately and I have been an un-happy camper, through this all I continue to remember that there is always, always someone worse off than me and I should be thankful for what I do in attempt to 'count my blessings'

- I have 2 great kids that continue to impress and amaze me with their intellect, charm and humor
- I have a great family that is always there when I need them
- We are expecting 3 new additions to the family this year, each a blessing in themselves
- I have a roof over my head
- I have food to eat (though I haven't lately)
- I have pets to welcome me home each day excited to see me
- I have a job, though I have a lot of Dilbert's bosses running around.
- I have medical coverage (though it seems like it gets less everyday)
- I have what I need and sometime I get what I want
- I am able to pay most bills on time
- I have transportation
- I have friends who are there if I need them, but rarely do I ask for their assistance
- I am not sitting in the Denver airport
- I get up everyday and breath
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Comfortably Numb
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home?
This would be my kids attempting to wake me up from my self-induced drug induced haze the past couple of evenings. Finally, relief for some of the pain has been forth coming allowing me to at least relax and be comfortable in the evenings, days still are difficult.
Coming into the home-stretch of the holiday season, I am hiding at home ~ Jen managed to drag me to church this evening and I enjoyed her company, feeling slightly better I ventured out afterwards to the second poker game in the league. Quietly playing my cards, I managed to find myself at the final table out of 75 people - wow. I hung in there, chip leader at times but in the end did a stupid mistake and lost it all, oh well - I ended up 3rd, but still my position I have held to date in the free league.
After my successful table position, I sat down with some friends I hadn't seen in awhile, back due to the holidays. Conversation ranged from politics (Osama Hussien Brama? or Hillary Clinton - a lesbian?), health care - if the rest of the world can have universal health care - why not us - after receiving a $2000 bill for Alex's needed oral surgery (for braces, etc.) - was asking as well - why not? And other lively topics of the day addressing both the local community (vandals still are plaguing the holiday decorations), to the Nation (are we still in the right place with our troops in Afganistan, Korea and of course Iraq?
Overall, a good evening that began to lift my cloud of stress and darkness to possibly see some light ahead!
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home?
This would be my kids attempting to wake me up from my self-induced drug induced haze the past couple of evenings. Finally, relief for some of the pain has been forth coming allowing me to at least relax and be comfortable in the evenings, days still are difficult.
Coming into the home-stretch of the holiday season, I am hiding at home ~ Jen managed to drag me to church this evening and I enjoyed her company, feeling slightly better I ventured out afterwards to the second poker game in the league. Quietly playing my cards, I managed to find myself at the final table out of 75 people - wow. I hung in there, chip leader at times but in the end did a stupid mistake and lost it all, oh well - I ended up 3rd, but still my position I have held to date in the free league.
After my successful table position, I sat down with some friends I hadn't seen in awhile, back due to the holidays. Conversation ranged from politics (Osama Hussien Brama? or Hillary Clinton - a lesbian?), health care - if the rest of the world can have universal health care - why not us - after receiving a $2000 bill for Alex's needed oral surgery (for braces, etc.) - was asking as well - why not? And other lively topics of the day addressing both the local community (vandals still are plaguing the holiday decorations), to the Nation (are we still in the right place with our troops in Afganistan, Korea and of course Iraq?
Overall, a good evening that began to lift my cloud of stress and darkness to possibly see some light ahead!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Pain and performances....

And life is getting busy for the kids. Final projects, tests, recitals and a general wrap up of the school season gets going in these last two weeks leaving us parents running twice as much as we attempt to get everything done and attend all these functions.
Alex had her band concert on Tuesday evening, again upset her dad wouldn't come over to see her - she tries to put it off as nothing and makes excuses, but it still bothers her. It was a wonderful concert, but will probably be her last year in band, which is required (or chorus) for MS kids. Personally, I think it is a scam for us to keep a certain instrument supplier in business - at the end of this year I will now be the proud owner of a trumpet to go along with the clarinet I already have in my ensemble. She cheered on Wednesday's game which of course CG won. In addition, she did really well on a math pre-test that let her do more advanced work, she was very excited.
Kelsey has been in/out working at Mikes and preparing for her many finals, her drive and self-dedication to get these things done always amaze me. She is one of the leads on the student council winter dance committee which we will all see how that turns out this evening. And, bless her, she has picked up some of the house chores while I have been down and out....
I have been pretty much out of it this week, doing my best to maintain but wanting nothing more to crawl in bed, which a couple of nights I have, the girls have attended to themselves, thank goodness they are older.
Since last week, I have been having 'pain' in my lower abdomen area, it had been getting increasingly worse over the weekend and really made me take notice on Monday, I suspected that my ol women's plumbing was acting up again so off to the Dr. I went, sure enough, after some blood work and ultrasounds, it was what I suspected - cysts (bout size of golf balls) have re-emerged on my ovaries and are pressing down on everything - now my frustration is, I am told we can re-scan in 4-6 weeks but that is about it - so I now am living with sharp pains that encompass walking, sitting and any activity which also is now effecting my knees - I am mess ~ in speaking with the nurse on Friday after the final results came in I said that's great I get to live with this for 4-6 weeks, what about the pain - I have not heard back, try to get any pain relief these days from everyone abusing, well Drs are not so forth-coming - even after I told her I am using 1600 mg (that is 16 pills) of ibuprofen twice a day and it is just dulling the pain, unfortunately, I am one of those people who has high tolerance to any medications so where one pill would put someone to bed, for me, it doesn't even touch it. I am calling again after the week end, this is just plain silly and when I hurt this bad, my kids suffer cause I don't want to deal with anything.
The weather as predicted has been a balmy 55 - 60 degrees and I don't even enjoy it right now.
I did attempt to get shopping done yesterday, I am truly not in a festive holiday mood at all, in fact I have been using the f'word alot the past few weeks, truly unlike me, but damn I am over all of it! - I managed to make a good dent and am almost finished for everyone, but due to the above, I pretty much came home, took whatever drugs I had from other things and went to sleep on the couch. At midnight, I had to get up and bring my youngest home from where she was going to stay the night, but due to some teenage fights, she was in tears - she called to come home.
Friday, December 08, 2006
It's Freezing in Here.....
After yesterday's birthday celebrations for Kelsey we all came home to finish out the week. We awoke this morning to a house that was 40 degrees, it was 8 degrees outside - the furnance quit.
Now thinking, it was my stupidity that forgot to change the filter and the furnance shut down, I was off to the store at 7am to get filters, home again and filter replaced I began my search for the manual limiter reset, this is where my frustration sets in - where it shows in the instructions is no where to be found, this of course resulted in a call to my friendly heating/cooling company - yes, I know I should just get it serviced and be done with it each year.
So I began my day of waiting for the service guys to come while wrapped up in layers of clothing and attempting to work on my laptop with gloves, it doesn't work very well.
They finally arrived around 2pm and after 20 minutes of inspection, testing and the alike it came up that the thermostat had gone bad in the house and had to be replaced. I was already out $100 for them to come out, so go ahead replace it. ~ so $200 later, cleaned furnance and new thermostat I was back in business and down in my xmas cash - but we will deal with it.
We cranked that furnance up to the point we were all walking around in our shorts and tank tops, ahhhh heat, we forget what a luxury it is. Course, the comical thing, the next week it is predicted to be back in the 60s here, my luck - it breaks down on the coldest day we have had yet this winter.
Stay Warm ~ I am Now!
Now thinking, it was my stupidity that forgot to change the filter and the furnance shut down, I was off to the store at 7am to get filters, home again and filter replaced I began my search for the manual limiter reset, this is where my frustration sets in - where it shows in the instructions is no where to be found, this of course resulted in a call to my friendly heating/cooling company - yes, I know I should just get it serviced and be done with it each year.
So I began my day of waiting for the service guys to come while wrapped up in layers of clothing and attempting to work on my laptop with gloves, it doesn't work very well.
They finally arrived around 2pm and after 20 minutes of inspection, testing and the alike it came up that the thermostat had gone bad in the house and had to be replaced. I was already out $100 for them to come out, so go ahead replace it. ~ so $200 later, cleaned furnance and new thermostat I was back in business and down in my xmas cash - but we will deal with it.
We cranked that furnance up to the point we were all walking around in our shorts and tank tops, ahhhh heat, we forget what a luxury it is. Course, the comical thing, the next week it is predicted to be back in the 60s here, my luck - it breaks down on the coldest day we have had yet this winter.
Stay Warm ~ I am Now!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Wet floors, Gingerbread house and Interesting Conversation
I arrived home this evening with a dad at my door attempting to pick up his daughter Katie and not really in a good mood, I introduced myself and we walked in together looking for the girls (Alex, Katie and Lauren) - what we found was a path of towels leading from the front door to the kitchen, what we saw in the kitchen were the three girls, stripped to thier bras & shorts and an explosion in my kitchen - towels covered the entire kitchen floor as well.
School project, they were actively engaged in making a gingerbread house, the old fashion way (no kits allowed) - cabinets all opened, table piled high with flour, sugar, icing, pans, foil and tons of water. Seems the sprayer got stuck and soaked them and the kitchen down, but that didn't really explain the rest of the mess - that was caused by them creating thier masterpiece (ugh!). Katie was told promptly to get dressed they were leaving, seems he had been calling the cell phones numerous times in an attempt to get a hold of her and was quite angry - now where have I heard that rant before. Before they could leave, the other Lauren's dad showed up frustrated with the same 'can't get a hold of you rant' - while I attended to the girls, and the mess - Lauren's Dad consoled Katie's dad to get him cooled off a bit before the poor girl went home, I gave Katie one of my sweatshirts to wear otherwise she would be leaving in her bra, shorts and nuthin' else - its currently 30 degrees here! Now Lauren's dad after talking a bit agreed to let Lauren stay so we could get this project moved forward and my kitchen cleaned. I rolled up my sleeves and off we went, getting walls up and iced and the roof on, it is now hardening in my kitchen as we speak - pictures will be included later -
So while we were cleaning and finalizing the conversation turned to thier friends and people in the 8th grade, I listened until my ears perked up at 'head job' - okay, lets get into this - let me just say I heard stories of acts between 8th graders I don't even think they should be talking about. Blow jobs, head jobs, feeling, getting off, wet pants, boners, etc. - these were just some of the terms I was hearing, it was quite an education and astonishing to me as well - now I am not naive, but dang - so you ask, do I go to all these children's parents and tattle or give them a heads up, not at this time, the girls trusted me as an adult, but it does make me more aware and on 'my toes' with this age group and my own daughter - but I will say this, there was conversation of one mother speaking ill of me because I cannot be available to haul the girls all over after school(okay single mom here - I have to work for a living) - her daughter was included in this conversation, now her, I would love to tell what her little precious can't do anything wrong girl is doing - and in her own house - that would get her, but I won't.....but its sweet to think about her reaction - lol.
School project, they were actively engaged in making a gingerbread house, the old fashion way (no kits allowed) - cabinets all opened, table piled high with flour, sugar, icing, pans, foil and tons of water. Seems the sprayer got stuck and soaked them and the kitchen down, but that didn't really explain the rest of the mess - that was caused by them creating thier masterpiece (ugh!). Katie was told promptly to get dressed they were leaving, seems he had been calling the cell phones numerous times in an attempt to get a hold of her and was quite angry - now where have I heard that rant before. Before they could leave, the other Lauren's dad showed up frustrated with the same 'can't get a hold of you rant' - while I attended to the girls, and the mess - Lauren's Dad consoled Katie's dad to get him cooled off a bit before the poor girl went home, I gave Katie one of my sweatshirts to wear otherwise she would be leaving in her bra, shorts and nuthin' else - its currently 30 degrees here! Now Lauren's dad after talking a bit agreed to let Lauren stay so we could get this project moved forward and my kitchen cleaned. I rolled up my sleeves and off we went, getting walls up and iced and the roof on, it is now hardening in my kitchen as we speak - pictures will be included later -
So while we were cleaning and finalizing the conversation turned to thier friends and people in the 8th grade, I listened until my ears perked up at 'head job' - okay, lets get into this - let me just say I heard stories of acts between 8th graders I don't even think they should be talking about. Blow jobs, head jobs, feeling, getting off, wet pants, boners, etc. - these were just some of the terms I was hearing, it was quite an education and astonishing to me as well - now I am not naive, but dang - so you ask, do I go to all these children's parents and tattle or give them a heads up, not at this time, the girls trusted me as an adult, but it does make me more aware and on 'my toes' with this age group and my own daughter - but I will say this, there was conversation of one mother speaking ill of me because I cannot be available to haul the girls all over after school(okay single mom here - I have to work for a living) - her daughter was included in this conversation, now her, I would love to tell what her little precious can't do anything wrong girl is doing - and in her own house - that would get her, but I won't.....but its sweet to think about her reaction - lol.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Christmas Dance & Holiday Preparations....

Have a Great Week All!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Deer Welcome Us Home....
As Alex and I pulled up to the house to what our wondering eyes did appear........
Our two tiny yard nice, I guess they could of stolen them - there has been a rash of large yard ornaments going missing according to the local paper....oh, big crime in hooterville!
The girls both tried to get them apart, but they will have none of it, they are now lying sideways in the yard, my neighbors would have a fit if they stayed there to long, good thing they weren't lit yet! - still it's funny......

The girls both tried to get them apart, but they will have none of it, they are now lying sideways in the yard, my neighbors would have a fit if they stayed there to long, good thing they weren't lit yet! - still it's funny......
Alex gets Braces -
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Black Friday....Generous Saturday....
I was woken by my neighbor needing an egg for her souffle - it was time to get up and I realized - I do have good kids, they cleaned the house for me while I prepared the pies, Kelsey got up and ran down to the grocery store for me. And we were off to share dinner with my brother. A wonderful meal was prepared at my brother's house and good company was good.
Fat on a holiday meal I returned home to scour the ads for a few good deals for Christmas and drink a pot of coffee to keep me awake through it all. Yes, I am one of the stupid people who find it amusing and entertaining to deal with large crowds all vying for the best bargain!
This year took a new spin, some retailers at the Edinburgh Outlet Mall decided to open a midnight, Coach being one of them. Jen on I decided to take on the challenge (see earlier Shopping Spree). New this year, her husband Steve decided to join us, a blessing for us - he had the patience to stand in line, promptly took our packages back to the car and catered to two very strong women - brave soul he is and the gentleman!!! We got to the mall around 12:15am. It took us 40 minutes just to get into the mall parking lot, I kept encouraging Steve this was a new form of hunt and he should be ready for the kill, he was not amused. He got us parked in the forgotten interior parking lot and off we went.
Coach had a 2.5 hour wait just to get into the store, we forged on through the other stores. My longest wait, 40 minutes getting jeans for Kelsey at PacSun, our best deal, Banana Republic, 40% off everything and we had coupons for another 25% off our entire sale - nice. Just as we were leaving, we did manage to get into the Coach store, for me, worth the wait.
We heard people saying the highway was backed up 4 miles in either direction and some people were just parking on the highway, there was a fight (yeah a fight with blood) in the Coach stores line (ladies, is the really necessary?).
It was now 5am and most all the other sales were opening, we decided to hit one each the key stores we saw the best deal - Steve to Walmart, Jen to Kohls, I to 7am, I received a call from Kelsey - uh mom, where are you? We were finally headed home, she was just getting up to go to work - it was all good! Are you ready for next year Steve?
The weekend's weather was gorgeous, 62 during the day and everyone took advantage of it, after I recovered I too had the glorious task of getting in the attic to sort and dig out the Christmas decorations, and discover what baby clothes and maternity clothes I had *yeah* - new babies in the family. It was also a good time to sort through and get some organization back up there as well, Kelsey and Alex began to put the lights up until Kelsey had to go to work, poor girl worked all weekend.
I made a few of my $$'s back Saturday evening at a friend's poker game, all I have to say who knew 10-6 suited is an awesome hand, I was all in and took it with trip 6s - yeah!!!! That made me a quick $70....hope you like your new shelves Alex!
All in all a good weekend - good food, family, friends, fortunes and forecast!
Fat on a holiday meal I returned home to scour the ads for a few good deals for Christmas and drink a pot of coffee to keep me awake through it all. Yes, I am one of the stupid people who find it amusing and entertaining to deal with large crowds all vying for the best bargain!
This year took a new spin, some retailers at the Edinburgh Outlet Mall decided to open a midnight, Coach being one of them. Jen on I decided to take on the challenge (see earlier Shopping Spree). New this year, her husband Steve decided to join us, a blessing for us - he had the patience to stand in line, promptly took our packages back to the car and catered to two very strong women - brave soul he is and the gentleman!!! We got to the mall around 12:15am. It took us 40 minutes just to get into the mall parking lot, I kept encouraging Steve this was a new form of hunt and he should be ready for the kill, he was not amused. He got us parked in the forgotten interior parking lot and off we went.
Coach had a 2.5 hour wait just to get into the store, we forged on through the other stores. My longest wait, 40 minutes getting jeans for Kelsey at PacSun, our best deal, Banana Republic, 40% off everything and we had coupons for another 25% off our entire sale - nice. Just as we were leaving, we did manage to get into the Coach store, for me, worth the wait.
We heard people saying the highway was backed up 4 miles in either direction and some people were just parking on the highway, there was a fight (yeah a fight with blood) in the Coach stores line (ladies, is the really necessary?).
It was now 5am and most all the other sales were opening, we decided to hit one each the key stores we saw the best deal - Steve to Walmart, Jen to Kohls, I to 7am, I received a call from Kelsey - uh mom, where are you? We were finally headed home, she was just getting up to go to work - it was all good! Are you ready for next year Steve?
The weekend's weather was gorgeous, 62 during the day and everyone took advantage of it, after I recovered I too had the glorious task of getting in the attic to sort and dig out the Christmas decorations, and discover what baby clothes and maternity clothes I had *yeah* - new babies in the family. It was also a good time to sort through and get some organization back up there as well, Kelsey and Alex began to put the lights up until Kelsey had to go to work, poor girl worked all weekend.
I made a few of my $$'s back Saturday evening at a friend's poker game, all I have to say who knew 10-6 suited is an awesome hand, I was all in and took it with trip 6s - yeah!!!! That made me a quick $70....hope you like your new shelves Alex!
All in all a good weekend - good food, family, friends, fortunes and forecast!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
What I am most thankful for in my life!
Wishing all my family and friends an enjoyable holiday
filled with great food, great football games
and of course, great shopping!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I Killed the vacuum
I am a pet owner and as such deal with a great deal of hair around my house, cat, dog and kid hair all manages to find its way to my is a battle I take on daily and rougher during shedding season. Last year, I purchased a 'bagless' vacuum to possibly rid myself of the messy bags and hoping that my vacuum would maintain it's suction to assist me with my daily battle - wrong - since the day I purchased it, it's been a pain in the ass.....the filter clogs, the canister fills to quickly and it leaves big lumps of hair on my carpets! UGH! Having spent some $$ on this, I have battled with this particular machine over the year - my battle came to head on Sunday afternoon.
Again, I have pets, and as such they occasionally do or leave items for us human owners - it was the dog's turn this time - having not been let out for his last 'evening' release the night before and having ate a bunch as well - he could no longer contain himself and deposited a present for me on my living room carpets - now in my furor of cleaning I neither smelled nor noticed this present because you see - the dog is smart, he knows he was doing wrong so he choose to 'cover' his mess with some paper - good boy. So now, I am dealing with the above vacuum attempting to get at least 1/2 of the hair off my carpets when I encounter this paper, now being the lazy sweeper I am, I swept right under - you guessed it - as I backed the vacuum up, a long dark streak of dog poop was left in it's wake - then the smell hit - damn!!!! Okay, frustration level just went up a notch. I go out and get the trusty carpet shampoo machine and set about removing said streak. Mission accomplished and I am now behind in my chores and still need to the vacuum cleaner - well, seems it finally decided to get some suction, I was cleaning poop from the brushes, inside the machine, filters - it was everywhere and on me - I had it - with the cleaner and the poop - out the front door the vacuum went (children read so I won't reveal the expletives that were said) - mad at the damn thing, I felt 'Good Riddance' and off to peruse the Sunday ads for a new vacuum, determined to get one that once again had a bag in it - I was tired of the whole filtered/bagless scamp - worthless I say!!!!
Forgetting my parents were still in town, they arrived at the front door greeted by the pile that was once my vacuum, mom hugged me and understood my frustration - dad said, get dressed, we need to look for a new one....being the good child I am (yeah right) I fought a bit and conceded so off to the store we went. We hunted for a 'bagged' vacuum cleaner to no avail - nothing - Dad finally said, I bought your mom one of these and it works well - it was a bagless and I was skeptical. It even said on the packaging 'For Animals' - still skeptical, but alright I have always trusted Dad's judgment on these things. We purchased said vacuum and brought it home, after some 'assembly' we got it going and off we went. I am here to say - okay, I am now a believer. So for those of you who suffer pet hair syndrome, I am here to recommend - the Dyson Animal bagless (DC-7 or 14) - it was amazing - here are some of the things I like - a REALLY long cord, the fact the container empties with one push - from the bottom, the hose reaches my entire stairs without having to move the machine, the container has enough space to handle all the hair (and there was bunches), it easily goes from floors to carpet, it's light weight and easy to maneuver, the attachments were useful and best of all - it never lost it's suction.
Now, I know that no vacuum can deal with sucked up dog poop, but if it can assist me to easily deal with my floors, woodwork and carpets and do what it is supposed - sign me up!~ I can now say, my house is once again vacuumed and looking much better - even the stairs!!!! And there is a consumer report for 'ya - recommended by KATS~!
Again, I have pets, and as such they occasionally do or leave items for us human owners - it was the dog's turn this time - having not been let out for his last 'evening' release the night before and having ate a bunch as well - he could no longer contain himself and deposited a present for me on my living room carpets - now in my furor of cleaning I neither smelled nor noticed this present because you see - the dog is smart, he knows he was doing wrong so he choose to 'cover' his mess with some paper - good boy. So now, I am dealing with the above vacuum attempting to get at least 1/2 of the hair off my carpets when I encounter this paper, now being the lazy sweeper I am, I swept right under - you guessed it - as I backed the vacuum up, a long dark streak of dog poop was left in it's wake - then the smell hit - damn!!!! Okay, frustration level just went up a notch. I go out and get the trusty carpet shampoo machine and set about removing said streak. Mission accomplished and I am now behind in my chores and still need to the vacuum cleaner - well, seems it finally decided to get some suction, I was cleaning poop from the brushes, inside the machine, filters - it was everywhere and on me - I had it - with the cleaner and the poop - out the front door the vacuum went (children read so I won't reveal the expletives that were said) - mad at the damn thing, I felt 'Good Riddance' and off to peruse the Sunday ads for a new vacuum, determined to get one that once again had a bag in it - I was tired of the whole filtered/bagless scamp - worthless I say!!!!
Forgetting my parents were still in town, they arrived at the front door greeted by the pile that was once my vacuum, mom hugged me and understood my frustration - dad said, get dressed, we need to look for a new one....being the good child I am (yeah right) I fought a bit and conceded so off to the store we went. We hunted for a 'bagged' vacuum cleaner to no avail - nothing - Dad finally said, I bought your mom one of these and it works well - it was a bagless and I was skeptical. It even said on the packaging 'For Animals' - still skeptical, but alright I have always trusted Dad's judgment on these things. We purchased said vacuum and brought it home, after some 'assembly' we got it going and off we went. I am here to say - okay, I am now a believer. So for those of you who suffer pet hair syndrome, I am here to recommend - the Dyson Animal bagless (DC-7 or 14) - it was amazing - here are some of the things I like - a REALLY long cord, the fact the container empties with one push - from the bottom, the hose reaches my entire stairs without having to move the machine, the container has enough space to handle all the hair (and there was bunches), it easily goes from floors to carpet, it's light weight and easy to maneuver, the attachments were useful and best of all - it never lost it's suction.
Now, I know that no vacuum can deal with sucked up dog poop, but if it can assist me to easily deal with my floors, woodwork and carpets and do what it is supposed - sign me up!~ I can now say, my house is once again vacuumed and looking much better - even the stairs!!!! And there is a consumer report for 'ya - recommended by KATS~!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Another Week flies by.......
And I am accomplishing nothing - not really, but still trying to catch up on rest from the 10 day spree I went through.
Wednesday, the school had their Fall Sports program which was 4 hours long, ugh, we appreciate it but dang, why so long.....the soccer girls were again impressive with 17 out of 19 girls on the varsity team earning the state academic honors maintaining a 3.5 and above GPA - Kelsey received an additional academic athletic honor for being one of 5 maintaining a 3.65+ GPA.....I am always impressed CG focuses on academics as well as their sports programs. All the girls teams combined came in first for the state of final finishes - go girls!!!
Managed to get out on Thursday when the weather was a beautiful 70 degrees here and get the lawn mowed, gardens weeded and enjoyed just being outside, with weekends having been taken up by soccer, playing in my yard is not something I get to do very often.
Winter came back with a vengeance late Friday night with a horrible storm blowing through, my parents rolled into town to attend my sister in laws baby shower and we went out for dinner - I have eaten more food in the past week, than I have for the entire month of October - sleep is on the agenda, figure I am storing up my winter fat.
Saturday we attended the baby shower while Grandpa and my brother took Alex to her indoor game, Dad said he likes the indoor games better than outdoor because he says there is more action, personally I think because it's indoors and warm - Alex scored a goal and April (my sister in law) scored lots of awesome stuff for baby Jade due in February. Mom, Kelsey and I enjoyed the shower held by her sisters and caught up with all April's family, it was fun - well except for all the silly shower games. I had the opportunity to try out April's sister Teri's massage chair (she is a dr of reflexology, massage and colonics) - it was awesome, saw the colonics table and setup - not so much for me.....
Today I am hangin' at the house and will jump out for the COLTS game at 1pm, haven't been out all week and I think I need a beer! ;)
Have a great week all........
Wednesday, the school had their Fall Sports program which was 4 hours long, ugh, we appreciate it but dang, why so long.....the soccer girls were again impressive with 17 out of 19 girls on the varsity team earning the state academic honors maintaining a 3.5 and above GPA - Kelsey received an additional academic athletic honor for being one of 5 maintaining a 3.65+ GPA.....I am always impressed CG focuses on academics as well as their sports programs. All the girls teams combined came in first for the state of final finishes - go girls!!!
Managed to get out on Thursday when the weather was a beautiful 70 degrees here and get the lawn mowed, gardens weeded and enjoyed just being outside, with weekends having been taken up by soccer, playing in my yard is not something I get to do very often.
Winter came back with a vengeance late Friday night with a horrible storm blowing through, my parents rolled into town to attend my sister in laws baby shower and we went out for dinner - I have eaten more food in the past week, than I have for the entire month of October - sleep is on the agenda, figure I am storing up my winter fat.
Saturday we attended the baby shower while Grandpa and my brother took Alex to her indoor game, Dad said he likes the indoor games better than outdoor because he says there is more action, personally I think because it's indoors and warm - Alex scored a goal and April (my sister in law) scored lots of awesome stuff for baby Jade due in February. Mom, Kelsey and I enjoyed the shower held by her sisters and caught up with all April's family, it was fun - well except for all the silly shower games. I had the opportunity to try out April's sister Teri's massage chair (she is a dr of reflexology, massage and colonics) - it was awesome, saw the colonics table and setup - not so much for me.....
Today I am hangin' at the house and will jump out for the COLTS game at 1pm, haven't been out all week and I think I need a beer! ;)
Have a great week all........
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday - Shopping Spree
My good friend Jen called to say she had Saturday free, it's been since July the last time we could get together for our Saturday morning coffee and a couple of store stops - we had some catching up to do.
And we did.....our mission.....find all gifts for my sister in laws upcoming baby shower (baby's name Jade Alexandra) - my Alex is very excited, but I digress - our mission took us to several stores seeking what we needed and Jen made the mistake of saying we should check Edinburgh (outlet mall) - let's go - it's to far - no it isn't, I can get us there in 20 minutes, okay 30 with the lights, game on....Jen munching her wonderful breakfast of chocolate animal crackers, us gabbing away and her again stating I would not have her foot in the parking lot by 1pm (I did Jen....) - we made it there (safely) and well within the timeframe.
Off we went, oh, let's check here, and here, and here until we finally landed in the Coach purse store - uhoh - it was a female frenzy of women all trying on how different purses look, comparing, chatting and bonding over purses. I looking splendid carrying my Payless purse dove right in. It's not that I am opposed at spending money on a good purse, it's just I don't like to carry the same purse all that long, I change with the seasons - it seems a waste. Sorta like a volvo, yeah it will last forever, but after awhile, it's just ugly! BUT! I do love purses so I felt compelled to at least look......okay, I broke down but at this time cannot disclose.... To be continued - on Thanksgiving day at Midnight, when selected stores in the Edinburgh mall have chosen to have some truly 'early bird' specials, the plans for the trip are in the works!
And we did.....our mission.....find all gifts for my sister in laws upcoming baby shower (baby's name Jade Alexandra) - my Alex is very excited, but I digress - our mission took us to several stores seeking what we needed and Jen made the mistake of saying we should check Edinburgh (outlet mall) - let's go - it's to far - no it isn't, I can get us there in 20 minutes, okay 30 with the lights, game on....Jen munching her wonderful breakfast of chocolate animal crackers, us gabbing away and her again stating I would not have her foot in the parking lot by 1pm (I did Jen....) - we made it there (safely) and well within the timeframe.
Off we went, oh, let's check here, and here, and here until we finally landed in the Coach purse store - uhoh - it was a female frenzy of women all trying on how different purses look, comparing, chatting and bonding over purses. I looking splendid carrying my Payless purse dove right in. It's not that I am opposed at spending money on a good purse, it's just I don't like to carry the same purse all that long, I change with the seasons - it seems a waste. Sorta like a volvo, yeah it will last forever, but after awhile, it's just ugly! BUT! I do love purses so I felt compelled to at least look......okay, I broke down but at this time cannot disclose.... To be continued - on Thanksgiving day at Midnight, when selected stores in the Edinburgh mall have chosen to have some truly 'early bird' specials, the plans for the trip are in the works!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Spirts on Halloween......
More than just the kids in costume - Halloween in the burgs is from 6pm - 9pm, lights on the house means you are being nice and giving out candy.
Getting off work, I charged home to arrive at 6:05pm, I run in the house, light the pumpkins, get the candy bowl - I am ready. The girls are gone, one trick or treating with her friends, the other just out. Hmmm, mom left me meatloaf and I do have a bottle of wine chilling in the refrig, sounds like a plan....I began to dole out candy to all the princesses, army warriors, ghosts (aka teen with sheet over head) and various others - some absolutely sweet, others just a pain in the was an enjoyable evening and truly over by 8:30, by which time so was the bottle of wine.
My girls found me happily dozing in the family room upon their return, a good evening at home!
Getting off work, I charged home to arrive at 6:05pm, I run in the house, light the pumpkins, get the candy bowl - I am ready. The girls are gone, one trick or treating with her friends, the other just out. Hmmm, mom left me meatloaf and I do have a bottle of wine chilling in the refrig, sounds like a plan....I began to dole out candy to all the princesses, army warriors, ghosts (aka teen with sheet over head) and various others - some absolutely sweet, others just a pain in the was an enjoyable evening and truly over by 8:30, by which time so was the bottle of wine.
My girls found me happily dozing in the family room upon their return, a good evening at home!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday a Day of Rest - Monday to Catch Up
Up early (I was used to it) - Worn out I ran and picked up Ed & Kelly, headed to a soccer game and then off to the airport to drop them off, I got home around 4:30pm, chatted with the girls a bit and off to bed I went - I vaguely remember opening my eyes at 7:30pm and again at 2:33pm - but I didn't move until 6:30am getting the full rest my body needed -
I had today off, thank you work! I lazily caught up, cleaned up, un-packed (2 suitcases one for Vegas/one for convention), napped, ate, napped and just rested. After a long shower and lots of lotion my skin and body is beginning to feel a little bit alive - my voice however is still very deep and sultry -
I am off to bed, good seeing everyone these past couple of weeks I enjoyed my time with all of you!
I had today off, thank you work! I lazily caught up, cleaned up, un-packed (2 suitcases one for Vegas/one for convention), napped, ate, napped and just rested. After a long shower and lots of lotion my skin and body is beginning to feel a little bit alive - my voice however is still very deep and sultry -
I am off to bed, good seeing everyone these past couple of weeks I enjoyed my time with all of you!
Convention....Time to Go to Work 10/24 - 10/28
I arrived back from Vegas and returned home at 1am, my mom and I chatted a bit working my road buzz off leaving me to get to bed around 2am, up by 6am, I got ready and headed downtown to Conseco fieldhouse to find my office for the rest of the week - after driving around a little and getting oriented to where all the venues were - I settled in to work and got to see all the good friends I come to enjoy when convention time rolls around.
I found out quickly, moving this convention to a city imparts a lot of walking - Wednesday night after a long day of work, my brother dropped Alex and a friend off to attend the Carrie Underwood concert. After walking a total of 10 blocks to retrieve some of my stuff, carrying my laptop we got to the car to go home, I was supposed to stay at downtown this evening, but after arriving home at 1:30am, thought it just as well I stayed home. Up early Thursday and back into Conseco for another really busy day of work, things are going really well! Kids are swarming the streets, all behaving well and we are busy posting pictures, new releases, awards and audio. Convention is in full swing - we all get out of the building around 11:30am, off to Champions to wind down and relax a bit to celebrate a good day - another 1:30am night, but slept in a big comfy soft bed downtown - that was nice. Up Friday for another full day of work, this evening we all departed out about the same time, grabbed some dinner, some time at Champions and down to Nicky Blaines for a late night cigar and cocktail - 2:30am this evening - we were all hurting going into Saturday our final day. I was up early and challenged with doing some private work with no internet connection - decided it best I just drive out to the house, complete what I needed and get myself cleaned up properly for another long evening - when I got downtown last session was in full swing with the election of our National officer team, I had the page ready for the annoucement and awaited the final 'gavel' shot to be brought in from the stage area. Loaded it up, sent out releases and off we all were to Bucca's for a fine meal, afterwards Sam, Kelley, Ed and myself met Bill down at the Slippery Noodle and finished off the evening with some great blues/harmonica playing while enjoying all the halloween costumes...
I found out quickly, moving this convention to a city imparts a lot of walking - Wednesday night after a long day of work, my brother dropped Alex and a friend off to attend the Carrie Underwood concert. After walking a total of 10 blocks to retrieve some of my stuff, carrying my laptop we got to the car to go home, I was supposed to stay at downtown this evening, but after arriving home at 1:30am, thought it just as well I stayed home. Up early Thursday and back into Conseco for another really busy day of work, things are going really well! Kids are swarming the streets, all behaving well and we are busy posting pictures, new releases, awards and audio. Convention is in full swing - we all get out of the building around 11:30am, off to Champions to wind down and relax a bit to celebrate a good day - another 1:30am night, but slept in a big comfy soft bed downtown - that was nice. Up Friday for another full day of work, this evening we all departed out about the same time, grabbed some dinner, some time at Champions and down to Nicky Blaines for a late night cigar and cocktail - 2:30am this evening - we were all hurting going into Saturday our final day. I was up early and challenged with doing some private work with no internet connection - decided it best I just drive out to the house, complete what I needed and get myself cleaned up properly for another long evening - when I got downtown last session was in full swing with the election of our National officer team, I had the page ready for the annoucement and awaited the final 'gavel' shot to be brought in from the stage area. Loaded it up, sent out releases and off we all were to Bucca's for a fine meal, afterwards Sam, Kelley, Ed and myself met Bill down at the Slippery Noodle and finished off the evening with some great blues/harmonica playing while enjoying all the halloween costumes...
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
MAX Conference 06, Las Vegas

I attended a portion of the Adobe, MAX Conference in Las Vegas. I was staying at the Venetian hotel and I had the opportunity to meet up with some old friends, meet new ones and begin a 10 day adventure of late nights, long days and good times working - Sunday everyone started rolling into town for conference, out we all went - Monday came another good day and a GREAT welcome reception held at the Venetian pool, tons of food and spirits allowed us to catch up with everyone and what they had been into for the year. Tuesday general session opened with the Blue Man group - cool things were on display and I was off for a full day of workshops, catching a plane and arriving in Indy at midnight. But I managed to get in some good conference time even though it put me down on sleep. Here are some photos taken by one of my conference friends and fellow developer Annissa.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I'm in the Homestretch!
Whew! It's been a month and my poor body is a hurtin' - been thinking about all I have gotten accomplished since the end of September and givin' myself a big pat on the back - yeah!!!!
I have:
I leave on Friday to begin the 1.5 week journey beginning with traveling to Las Vegas on Friday, returning on Tuesday midnight and then headed for the rest of the week to stay downtown Indy at the Marriott while working our convention. My kids will get to attend the Carrie Underwood concert with me on Wednesday, but that will be about the only time I see them the rest of the week.
I failed on getting 'mother of the year' award with Kelsey this month. As in previous post, she has had a cold and ear pain - nowadays - Dr's say wait a week and see if the ears clear up - I did and she was still having problems, so off to the Dr she went (by herself - that was great) - she was informed that she had a massive ear infection and the Dr asked how she could stand the pain - oh great, make me feel guilty for not taking care of my child. She is now on antibiodics and hopefully will be feeling better soon. Of course, her High School soccer team is in full swing playing in the sectionals, regionals and hopefully state - we will find out tonight after the Regional game. They won sectionals on Saturday and celebrated with a huge bonfire that evening - our old recliner was scarificed and burned - it was scary how fast it went up and thinking it was in my house! Kelsey arrived Sunday morning at Alex's soccer game (8am) with black paint still under her eyes from where they had TP'd coaches house - she was tired, still had homework to do and work to go to - I hope she survives this soccer season.
School conferences are this week, I am pleased to report that once again, both girls have glowing reports from their teachers. I met with one of Alex's teacher, Alex and Kelsey joined us. Alex reviewed all her classwork with me and led the conference starting by introducing me to her teacher - it's kinda nice to have the kids take control of their conference. I got GREAT Kids!!!
October came and went so quickly, I counted only by tasks accomplished and hours slept (not many). I did manage to get out a few times for some cards, got a little tipsy one night to forget all my 'lists' for a bit - now I am ready to get a lot 'tipsy' on Friday and Saturday -
I have:
- Painted over 1200 sq ft of walls, ceilings & trim
- Put up 6 Rolls of Insulation in Garage (course had to move all stuff)
- Moved, Cleaned and Toss a ton of crap from the garage
- Installed new refrigerator, moved coke machine and old refrigerator to garage
- Got new furniture delivered
- Cleaned all the house carpets
- Cleaned the house (mommy is coming on Friday)
- Did an unusal amount of laundry due to curtains, bedspreads, etc needing to be cleaned
- Kept up with lawn
- Attended 16 Soccer games - 4 out of town
- Attended 6 High School 3 hour task force meetings
- Attended 3 picnics/bonfires and prepared side dishes
- (4) Ortho, Dr, Eye Appts
- Created (5) New mini-websites for National Convention
- Attended Student conferences for kids
- Ran all the usual shopping, grocery and project errands
I leave on Friday to begin the 1.5 week journey beginning with traveling to Las Vegas on Friday, returning on Tuesday midnight and then headed for the rest of the week to stay downtown Indy at the Marriott while working our convention. My kids will get to attend the Carrie Underwood concert with me on Wednesday, but that will be about the only time I see them the rest of the week.
I failed on getting 'mother of the year' award with Kelsey this month. As in previous post, she has had a cold and ear pain - nowadays - Dr's say wait a week and see if the ears clear up - I did and she was still having problems, so off to the Dr she went (by herself - that was great) - she was informed that she had a massive ear infection and the Dr asked how she could stand the pain - oh great, make me feel guilty for not taking care of my child. She is now on antibiodics and hopefully will be feeling better soon. Of course, her High School soccer team is in full swing playing in the sectionals, regionals and hopefully state - we will find out tonight after the Regional game. They won sectionals on Saturday and celebrated with a huge bonfire that evening - our old recliner was scarificed and burned - it was scary how fast it went up and thinking it was in my house! Kelsey arrived Sunday morning at Alex's soccer game (8am) with black paint still under her eyes from where they had TP'd coaches house - she was tired, still had homework to do and work to go to - I hope she survives this soccer season.
School conferences are this week, I am pleased to report that once again, both girls have glowing reports from their teachers. I met with one of Alex's teacher, Alex and Kelsey joined us. Alex reviewed all her classwork with me and led the conference starting by introducing me to her teacher - it's kinda nice to have the kids take control of their conference. I got GREAT Kids!!!
October came and went so quickly, I counted only by tasks accomplished and hours slept (not many). I did manage to get out a few times for some cards, got a little tipsy one night to forget all my 'lists' for a bit - now I am ready to get a lot 'tipsy' on Friday and Saturday -
Watch out Vegas, Here I come!
Monday, October 09, 2006
I think I have a case of the Mondays.........
It started off with all of us getting up late, okay well Alex and I overslept, Kelsey is always up and out the door sometimes before we are even awake....the child is dedicated. The day proceeded down from there, got into work late - didn't feel like I got a dang thing accomplished at work. The house is torn to pieces, laundry is overflowing, dishes need to be done and my bedroom, my sanctuary is torn to pieces with the painting - now not sure how I am to get it all done in the next couple weeks and my mom is coming to stay with the girls while I am in Vegas attending the conference- UGH!
Off from work I was heading to Kelsey's team first sectional game - dang it's hot today, running late forgot to grab clothes to wear to the game,I was wearing a sweater and pants -and was dying of heat - ahhh, don't 'ya just love Fall in Indiana 80 today - snow showers for this week on Wed - so I jumped over to the nearest department store to grab a pair of jeans since from where I work, where I live and where the soccer game was it was to far to go home and get back plus I had tossed 6 pairs Sunday so I felt it was justified - great - doing the famous change in the car routine - thought I had gotten all the tags - not - forgot that lovely one that shows the size going down the back of the leg, fortunately, one of the other soccer parents noticed it before i got to far - busted!
The game went well, okay, I personally felt sorry for the other team they were out matched and from what I understand one of their best players was benched with ACL tear - we took the game 6-0, after awhile you were just wishing they would run the clock faster - I have been on that other side, it's not a fun feeling. Kelsey played but noticed she just wasn't there, one-step off and not running really to hard - as a mom who has watched her play many years, this truly wasn't a very good game for her - but as she has gotten older she will berate herself for her bad games more than I ever could. As she walked over to the parents side of the field she was by herself and headed directly to me, unusal, first because she is almost always the last kid off the field and 'ya know it's not altogether cool to be around your parents - by the time she got to me, she was bawling, something I have not seen this child do for many, many years - even after she got cleated in the eye last year - it was a doosy.
I took her in my arms and just held her, it is her ear and it was hurting really bad - I asked coach if I could take her with me vs her riding the bus home this evening, stopped by the drugstore and picked up some sweet oil (pharmicist recommended for ear pain, stated all the other stuff was garbage) - got the drops in and home we went. Called her girlfriend to meet me at the house so we could get her car from school - Kelsey went straight upstairs, laid down and we put hot compresses on her ear - after drugging her up with other items I had picked up that day - she is now asleep course it could be the benadryl?!
Kelsey is stubborn (just like her momma) when it comes to being sick - I had thought, like Alex, she was suffering from allergies which have been bad this fall season - with her coming/going so much it really is hard to know - Course I really didn't catch on how sick until last night - So at lunch today, after calling the Dr. to find out how best to treat (she had been self-medicating, don't you just love em) - I came home with a plethora of drugs for her to ingest - some for the evening, the others for the day. Hopefully we can get her feeling better - she so much wants to be playing some in sectionals and Thursday is the next game.
Alex has lost her cell phone, course you call the company and they want to charge you arm/leg for a new since our 'contract' won't be up until next Sept, already gave those away for her braces that will be put on in the next few weeks, kinda need the others, and then tonight - I was informed someone again stole her mouthpiece from her case in the band room, this happened last year as well - band director offered her no assistance, and she had to sit the entire class - so here I am ordering a new one.
Other lovely items that graced this day - um, found out our cell phones are over thier minutes ($250 dollars worth), called, upped my cell plan and they graciously reduced that to $35 - whew - got Alex's phone reported as lost so I wont' be charged in case it is found by someone who decides calling Japan is a good thing - Alex swears it is in my car or the car ate it since the last time she saw it was on a way to a soccer game (a week ago) after I picked her up from a friends house. Course if she kept it fully charged (she thinks 2 bars is enough) we might be able to call and find it! Got my furniture delivery rescheduled to Tuesday next week instead of Saturday which is the day they selected after they couldn't deliver it last week while I was off - as it is - I have someone coming to pick up the old stuff Saturday, Alex has 2 games for tournament and Kelsey, if they win Thursday will be playing the final sectional game to move over to regionals - now when am I supposed to get laundry, dishes, animals, lawn and my room finished this week?
Off from work I was heading to Kelsey's team first sectional game - dang it's hot today, running late forgot to grab clothes to wear to the game,I was wearing a sweater and pants -and was dying of heat - ahhh, don't 'ya just love Fall in Indiana 80 today - snow showers for this week on Wed - so I jumped over to the nearest department store to grab a pair of jeans since from where I work, where I live and where the soccer game was it was to far to go home and get back plus I had tossed 6 pairs Sunday so I felt it was justified - great - doing the famous change in the car routine - thought I had gotten all the tags - not - forgot that lovely one that shows the size going down the back of the leg, fortunately, one of the other soccer parents noticed it before i got to far - busted!
The game went well, okay, I personally felt sorry for the other team they were out matched and from what I understand one of their best players was benched with ACL tear - we took the game 6-0, after awhile you were just wishing they would run the clock faster - I have been on that other side, it's not a fun feeling. Kelsey played but noticed she just wasn't there, one-step off and not running really to hard - as a mom who has watched her play many years, this truly wasn't a very good game for her - but as she has gotten older she will berate herself for her bad games more than I ever could. As she walked over to the parents side of the field she was by herself and headed directly to me, unusal, first because she is almost always the last kid off the field and 'ya know it's not altogether cool to be around your parents - by the time she got to me, she was bawling, something I have not seen this child do for many, many years - even after she got cleated in the eye last year - it was a doosy.
I took her in my arms and just held her, it is her ear and it was hurting really bad - I asked coach if I could take her with me vs her riding the bus home this evening, stopped by the drugstore and picked up some sweet oil (pharmicist recommended for ear pain, stated all the other stuff was garbage) - got the drops in and home we went. Called her girlfriend to meet me at the house so we could get her car from school - Kelsey went straight upstairs, laid down and we put hot compresses on her ear - after drugging her up with other items I had picked up that day - she is now asleep course it could be the benadryl?!
Kelsey is stubborn (just like her momma) when it comes to being sick - I had thought, like Alex, she was suffering from allergies which have been bad this fall season - with her coming/going so much it really is hard to know - Course I really didn't catch on how sick until last night - So at lunch today, after calling the Dr. to find out how best to treat (she had been self-medicating, don't you just love em) - I came home with a plethora of drugs for her to ingest - some for the evening, the others for the day. Hopefully we can get her feeling better - she so much wants to be playing some in sectionals and Thursday is the next game.
Alex has lost her cell phone, course you call the company and they want to charge you arm/leg for a new since our 'contract' won't be up until next Sept, already gave those away for her braces that will be put on in the next few weeks, kinda need the others, and then tonight - I was informed someone again stole her mouthpiece from her case in the band room, this happened last year as well - band director offered her no assistance, and she had to sit the entire class - so here I am ordering a new one.
Other lovely items that graced this day - um, found out our cell phones are over thier minutes ($250 dollars worth), called, upped my cell plan and they graciously reduced that to $35 - whew - got Alex's phone reported as lost so I wont' be charged in case it is found by someone who decides calling Japan is a good thing - Alex swears it is in my car or the car ate it since the last time she saw it was on a way to a soccer game (a week ago) after I picked her up from a friends house. Course if she kept it fully charged (she thinks 2 bars is enough) we might be able to call and find it! Got my furniture delivery rescheduled to Tuesday next week instead of Saturday which is the day they selected after they couldn't deliver it last week while I was off - as it is - I have someone coming to pick up the old stuff Saturday, Alex has 2 games for tournament and Kelsey, if they win Thursday will be playing the final sectional game to move over to regionals - now when am I supposed to get laundry, dishes, animals, lawn and my room finished this week?
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Still working......
October is a hectic month for me, soccer is winds up to wind down for fall season, our National Convention is this month, Fall break for the kids that includes teacher conferences and my own 'geek' conference is always held this month and then let's not forget Halloween.
I for some reason, the leaves turning colors, the slight breeze in the air, the ability to open the windows - not sure what always get into the mood to do 'projects' around the house - now I start great guns, but time gets away from me and I leave things un-done. This fall, I am vowing not to do that - I am working feverishly to get all done around the house so that by the end of this month (well okay, 1st week of November) I have completed all painting, have my new furniture delivered, have old furniture picked up and the garage is back into some semblance of order.
I started my bedroom yesterday, taking it in sections working up to a big piece of furniture, getting it moved and continuing on - I am done with 3 of the walls and it is looking good - now you say, only 3? Well I failed to mention my room is 16 x20, with 16ft high ceilings that go to a peak, so yea, only 3 - I should get it finished this week - have to get the trim done in areas so I can move the furniture around as well - especially my big roll-top desk, it's going to be a bear to move which is why I have painted up to it at this time! ;)
Did manage to get my mums planted, I love mums in the fall, they look so pretty against the changing trees which are now beginning to look brilliant in their reds, golds and oranges - hopefully we will be able to escape next Sunday and get down to the apple orchard - nothing better than going into the big refrigerators where they store all the apples and just take a big breath in - ahhhhh - of course, then there is cider, cider donuts and pumpkins to find!
Kelsey is doing pretty good in school, she has come to learn she LOVES chemistry and is re-thinking her career ideas at this time, it is Sectional/Regionals time for the high school soccer teams starting tommorrow, hopefully we will get down to state again this year. The girls have several dinners, breakfasts and the alike scheduled for the week to go along with the sectional - it's a fun time for the girls and they work hard. Last years team made it to the Elite 8.
Alex is doing good in school as well, her soccer team won today, a much needed win after we had a very bad tournament weekend last weekend (though she did score a goal). Her team is heading into tournament this weekend at her old club - we'll see how that does.
So on Saturday, I am supposed to have my furniture delivered, the old furniture picked up, Alex has 2 games at 9am & 2pm - Kelsey has the final Sectional game at 10am - I am still trying to figure out how I am supposed to take care of all of it - ugh!
I for some reason, the leaves turning colors, the slight breeze in the air, the ability to open the windows - not sure what always get into the mood to do 'projects' around the house - now I start great guns, but time gets away from me and I leave things un-done. This fall, I am vowing not to do that - I am working feverishly to get all done around the house so that by the end of this month (well okay, 1st week of November) I have completed all painting, have my new furniture delivered, have old furniture picked up and the garage is back into some semblance of order.
I started my bedroom yesterday, taking it in sections working up to a big piece of furniture, getting it moved and continuing on - I am done with 3 of the walls and it is looking good - now you say, only 3? Well I failed to mention my room is 16 x20, with 16ft high ceilings that go to a peak, so yea, only 3 - I should get it finished this week - have to get the trim done in areas so I can move the furniture around as well - especially my big roll-top desk, it's going to be a bear to move which is why I have painted up to it at this time! ;)
Did manage to get my mums planted, I love mums in the fall, they look so pretty against the changing trees which are now beginning to look brilliant in their reds, golds and oranges - hopefully we will be able to escape next Sunday and get down to the apple orchard - nothing better than going into the big refrigerators where they store all the apples and just take a big breath in - ahhhhh - of course, then there is cider, cider donuts and pumpkins to find!
Kelsey is doing pretty good in school, she has come to learn she LOVES chemistry and is re-thinking her career ideas at this time, it is Sectional/Regionals time for the high school soccer teams starting tommorrow, hopefully we will get down to state again this year. The girls have several dinners, breakfasts and the alike scheduled for the week to go along with the sectional - it's a fun time for the girls and they work hard. Last years team made it to the Elite 8.
Alex is doing good in school as well, her soccer team won today, a much needed win after we had a very bad tournament weekend last weekend (though she did score a goal). Her team is heading into tournament this weekend at her old club - we'll see how that does.
So on Saturday, I am supposed to have my furniture delivered, the old furniture picked up, Alex has 2 games at 9am & 2pm - Kelsey has the final Sectional game at 10am - I am still trying to figure out how I am supposed to take care of all of it - ugh!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Monk has left this world............

In college, I met up with a person that has turned out to be a life-long friend. While in college, her family embraced me as one of their own - to the point of when I walked in the door for one of our weekend visits - they would bypass Anner and come welcome me. The family always knew that when I was in town biscuits and gravy would be served for Sunday breakfast by Granny (no one has ever topped hers or Viola's gravy) - Monk, was Anner's dad and he gently passed away last night, the world has lost a genuine nice person. A sweet, ornery, stubborn cuss who I loved the minute I met him. He drank Black Label beer (yuck), made jewelry as a hobby and LOVED to give me trouble.
He never knew Anner taught me to drive a stick in his Ford pick-up truck, taking me on Missouri back-roads that if I made a wrong move I could easily plunge off the side of the road - he always threaten when we went to the bars he would be sittin' on the porch with a shot-gun to ensure No-One came home with us - he nevered followed through and the best was when had spent the weekend at the 'cabins' and were returning home, Anner and I worn out and hung over from a weekend of soaking in the sun, float trips, cards and of course beer were sleeping in the back of his pick-up truck on the way home - it had a cab over it, but the tail gate was down. We think he forgot we were back there, when we came out of our sleep haze we realized our feet were hanging off the back end of the truck's tailgate moving close to sliding out the back and driving through town -
He was a a wonderful soul, I will miss him! Take good care of him Lord.
Didn't get to my bedroom
Alas, it is always the way - the one thing you want to get accomplished, 100 other things get in line before it. I did managed to get all the downstairs done and finished now awaiting the arrival of my new furniture - painted the upstairs hallway & trim last night - ugh, it really needed it - again damn kids and thier dirt! - lol.
Lawn is mowed so neighbors won't complain, cleaned up the gardens and the back yard a bit, big dog tends to have some fun with old soccer balls - there are dead carcasses laying all over with bits and pieces - since the homeowners association president lives behind me I have to be good - managed to get my #'s on my mailbox - another homeowner assoc. thing, we all received notices from the neighborhood nazi that we were not 'up to code'. Course they want us to spend $80 to purchase a new mailbox from this authorized company that has 'special letters' on it that you can't get anywhere else - and you can't buy just the letters it is the whole thing - screw that, we all bought various letters from the store and put them on ourselves -
Got my garage back to some order so I can get my car in, now waiting to get rid of old furniture, I am donating it to the St. Vincent organization course they are scheduled to come on the 14th, along with my new furniture. I feel good about all I accomplished, but sadden by the fact I have to wait a little bit longer to get my own room done - lived in this house for 6 years now - all the rooms have been painted once or twice, sadly mine still has the cheap white that was on it when it was built......
Halloween is just around the corner, and for once I have my decorations out a little early - for some reason this holiday has become as big as Christmas around here when it comes to outside decorations. Mine are not all that elaborate, the neighbors have those big blow-up things, lights for the gutters, etc. - course, it also takes them another 2 weeks after halloween to get them taken down. I am truly trying to get a jump on things here before winter sets in, the air is cooler so it is not to far off.
Off to get the regular chores of laundry, dishes, bills and packing done. Alex and I are off to lovely Champaign, Il for a soccer tournament. Tonight I hope to go out a bit and play some poker, the cards have not been good to me of late, and when they were - someone always had just a tad better - course, folded a 3/4 un-suited last week, the flop came down 3,3,K - that would of given me 3 of a kind, then with the turn card came a 4 - damn, full house and I would of raked in a pretty penny - it's sometimes about the choices you make - just like in life! But my table buddies all said they would of folded that hand on the raise as well - great, thanks for the comforting thoughts - I wanted all your chippies!
Lawn is mowed so neighbors won't complain, cleaned up the gardens and the back yard a bit, big dog tends to have some fun with old soccer balls - there are dead carcasses laying all over with bits and pieces - since the homeowners association president lives behind me I have to be good - managed to get my #'s on my mailbox - another homeowner assoc. thing, we all received notices from the neighborhood nazi that we were not 'up to code'. Course they want us to spend $80 to purchase a new mailbox from this authorized company that has 'special letters' on it that you can't get anywhere else - and you can't buy just the letters it is the whole thing - screw that, we all bought various letters from the store and put them on ourselves -
Got my garage back to some order so I can get my car in, now waiting to get rid of old furniture, I am donating it to the St. Vincent organization course they are scheduled to come on the 14th, along with my new furniture. I feel good about all I accomplished, but sadden by the fact I have to wait a little bit longer to get my own room done - lived in this house for 6 years now - all the rooms have been painted once or twice, sadly mine still has the cheap white that was on it when it was built......
Halloween is just around the corner, and for once I have my decorations out a little early - for some reason this holiday has become as big as Christmas around here when it comes to outside decorations. Mine are not all that elaborate, the neighbors have those big blow-up things, lights for the gutters, etc. - course, it also takes them another 2 weeks after halloween to get them taken down. I am truly trying to get a jump on things here before winter sets in, the air is cooler so it is not to far off.
Off to get the regular chores of laundry, dishes, bills and packing done. Alex and I are off to lovely Champaign, Il for a soccer tournament. Tonight I hope to go out a bit and play some poker, the cards have not been good to me of late, and when they were - someone always had just a tad better - course, folded a 3/4 un-suited last week, the flop came down 3,3,K - that would of given me 3 of a kind, then with the turn card came a 4 - damn, full house and I would of raked in a pretty penny - it's sometimes about the choices you make - just like in life! But my table buddies all said they would of folded that hand on the raise as well - great, thanks for the comforting thoughts - I wanted all your chippies!
~ Have a great weekend all! ~
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Update > Pictures from Alex's Soccer Camp
Tuesday was a wash with getting my hair done in the morning, picking up all the supplies I had run out of and Alex's ortho appointment and then the school task force meeting until 9pm, I managed to get the walls in the family room trimmed out, but that was about it. I figured since the evening was a wash with the meeting and such - well I went out and played some poker with the gang, didn't make top 20 or the final table - but was close (22) - just couldn't get the cards - but the jaegar bombs were going down well!
Alex will be getting braces within the coming weeks, I am so excited that I now get to resume that $100/mth for the rest of her life - not that bad, but geez, just got Kelsey's braces off in July. The girls are going to talk to the Drs. see if they can get me a little more of a break on record and installation fees since I am a return client AND I choose to come back to them versus going to the ortho that my dentist recommend. That would be a nice break., but they are very good orthodontists and their prices are competitive with what I hear others having to fork over. The poor girl is missing 2 teeth below (they just ain't there) so they will have to allow for spaces on both sides for a bridge to be put in and she has 2 extra teeth above that will need to be pulled so her eye teeth can come down - she is all messed up! This too shall pass!
Today I got up early as usual to take Alex to school, took a little time in the morning to enjoy coffee and my paper - I mean I am on 'vacation'. I started today's tasks with finalizing the trim and rolling the family room walls. Onward, I noticed the main hallway wall is all scuffed up and needed trimming - got it done, finished the ceiling where I missed a few spots and the trim in the kitchen, living and part of the dining room (my arm got tired and I had to move things) - With enough painting for a bit I switched over to cleaning up the kitchen (it was a mess) and cleaning the areas of the carpets the cats decided were their own - okay that was nasty - but I managed to get them all cleaned up and the family room has the carpets cleaned as well. So I am now awaiting the carpets to dry so I can clean the windows, put back the stuff that is going stay when the new furniture arrives (did I mention it has been put off 2 weeks) and declare that room done! Woo Hoo. The kitchen needs a few touch ups over some oops and a second coat over the trim and then it waits until my Coke machine and refrigerator get moved out to the garage - probably in 2 weeks.
Next on the list......a shower, damn I stink!
No, have to finish out the trim going up the stairs and re-paint the wall section of the stairs that has received some serious damage by kids - not pets. I am looking at the upstairs hallway walls and wondering if I should just go ahead and paint that before getting into my bedroom - I am thinking I might - we'll see how I feel tonight.
Tomorrow, seriously, I am going to start my bedroom - start something, cleaning the walls - trying to figure out how I am going to paint the middle of my vaulted ceiling - tearing everything away from the walls - something, I will get something done to move my bedroom forward - this was the whole reason I took off - go figure.
Now off to that shower -
Alex will be getting braces within the coming weeks, I am so excited that I now get to resume that $100/mth for the rest of her life - not that bad, but geez, just got Kelsey's braces off in July. The girls are going to talk to the Drs. see if they can get me a little more of a break on record and installation fees since I am a return client AND I choose to come back to them versus going to the ortho that my dentist recommend. That would be a nice break., but they are very good orthodontists and their prices are competitive with what I hear others having to fork over. The poor girl is missing 2 teeth below (they just ain't there) so they will have to allow for spaces on both sides for a bridge to be put in and she has 2 extra teeth above that will need to be pulled so her eye teeth can come down - she is all messed up! This too shall pass!
Today I got up early as usual to take Alex to school, took a little time in the morning to enjoy coffee and my paper - I mean I am on 'vacation'. I started today's tasks with finalizing the trim and rolling the family room walls. Onward, I noticed the main hallway wall is all scuffed up and needed trimming - got it done, finished the ceiling where I missed a few spots and the trim in the kitchen, living and part of the dining room (my arm got tired and I had to move things) - With enough painting for a bit I switched over to cleaning up the kitchen (it was a mess) and cleaning the areas of the carpets the cats decided were their own - okay that was nasty - but I managed to get them all cleaned up and the family room has the carpets cleaned as well. So I am now awaiting the carpets to dry so I can clean the windows, put back the stuff that is going stay when the new furniture arrives (did I mention it has been put off 2 weeks) and declare that room done! Woo Hoo. The kitchen needs a few touch ups over some oops and a second coat over the trim and then it waits until my Coke machine and refrigerator get moved out to the garage - probably in 2 weeks.
Next on the list......a shower, damn I stink!
No, have to finish out the trim going up the stairs and re-paint the wall section of the stairs that has received some serious damage by kids - not pets. I am looking at the upstairs hallway walls and wondering if I should just go ahead and paint that before getting into my bedroom - I am thinking I might - we'll see how I feel tonight.
Tomorrow, seriously, I am going to start my bedroom - start something, cleaning the walls - trying to figure out how I am going to paint the middle of my vaulted ceiling - tearing everything away from the walls - something, I will get something done to move my bedroom forward - this was the whole reason I took off - go figure.
Now off to that shower -
Monday, September 25, 2006
Work, Work, Work.........
This time home repairs, I have taken the week off to get some painting done around the house. As with all projects, this one started off finally getting my bedroom painted - if you seen the earlier post, the paint patches have been on my wall for just about a year now, and the project creep has gone from there............
As my plans developed during the month, I happen to have purchased some furniture that was too good a deal, well since I am going to be painting and have the time - might as well put a new coat of paint on the family room and the ceilings haven't been done or the trim finished. But wait there is more, my brother just upgraded his kitchen (which looks fabulous) I am getting his side by side refrigerator, in order to bring this into the house, I need to move the old refrigerator (paint behind it) and since we have a refrigerator dolly what a great time to move my coke machine (paint behind it) to the garage so it may wait to be repaired - but if i am moving those out to the garage, I have to move all my shelves and workbench to the other wall so that the coke machine & refrig will be outside the door. Okay, I am good with this so far. Now, Menards has rolled insulation on sale, hmmmmm, since I am moving all the stuff from the garage walls, now might be a good time to put up that insulation so I don't have to move the coke machine again for awhile (my diet cokes freeze in the garage in the winter). You can see where this is going and notice my bedroom is dropping on the list - I really, really hope to get it all done!
Shopped to get all supplies on Sunday ( well most) - Put up enough of the insulation to cover moving the garage stuff and make room for the refrigerators (still need to get a few more rolls of insulation - shopping again). Today, I moved all the old furniture out into the garage, put pre-treator on the carpets (damn cats), painted all the downstairs ceiling and the family room trim. I now am in need of a trip to lowes to gather more trim paint, wall paint (thought I had more) and two more rolls of insulation - that will be tomorrow, for tonight, I am trimming out the walls in the family room and using the last bit of that paint I have. Stayed Tuned to see if I get finished, Furniture is delivered on Thursday - woo hoo!
Leeann & I out Friday, just had hair done -

Shopped to get all supplies on Sunday ( well most) - Put up enough of the insulation to cover moving the garage stuff and make room for the refrigerators (still need to get a few more rolls of insulation - shopping again). Today, I moved all the old furniture out into the garage, put pre-treator on the carpets (damn cats), painted all the downstairs ceiling and the family room trim. I now am in need of a trip to lowes to gather more trim paint, wall paint (thought I had more) and two more rolls of insulation - that will be tomorrow, for tonight, I am trimming out the walls in the family room and using the last bit of that paint I have. Stayed Tuned to see if I get finished, Furniture is delivered on Thursday - woo hoo!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
A Mother's Soccer Heartbreak....
As a single mom you try to divide your time between the girls activities, household chores and upkeep, work and occasionally some play. This evening, it was the lawn that had been calling my name. After a busy weekend, rain and some just right temperatures it had grown to 10" on some blades - I could no longer hold off mowing, it had to be done and tonight!
Kelsey was scheduled to play Lawrence North this evening, it was an away game on the north side, chatting with her this morning I eluded to possibly not attending to get the lawn done, she was okay with it since they are the #1 team, she felt they would play the starters most the game and she might not see a lot of action tonight.
Well, came home and got the lawn mowed, I can actually see the dog now. Checked my phone and one of the soccer mom's had called - I called her back, and that is when the heartbreak began.
It's just about the end of the 1st 1/2, Kelsey is playing forward - she normally plays mid-field - Megan, the other forward took the ball up and got boxed in, she lofts it over to the middle and up comes Kelsey to finish off for the GOAL! 1/2 buzzer sounds and the score is 1-0 Center Grove - and I wasn't there to see....... it hurts I could of been there, but made the wrong choice - the grass could of waited another day....... Congrats Kelsey - I am so proud for you!
Kelsey was scheduled to play Lawrence North this evening, it was an away game on the north side, chatting with her this morning I eluded to possibly not attending to get the lawn done, she was okay with it since they are the #1 team, she felt they would play the starters most the game and she might not see a lot of action tonight.
Well, came home and got the lawn mowed, I can actually see the dog now. Checked my phone and one of the soccer mom's had called - I called her back, and that is when the heartbreak began.
It's just about the end of the 1st 1/2, Kelsey is playing forward - she normally plays mid-field - Megan, the other forward took the ball up and got boxed in, she lofts it over to the middle and up comes Kelsey to finish off for the GOAL! 1/2 buzzer sounds and the score is 1-0 Center Grove - and I wasn't there to see....... it hurts I could of been there, but made the wrong choice - the grass could of waited another day....... Congrats Kelsey - I am so proud for you!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Labor Day - Is No days of Rest
Friday night we were off and running, the girls headed to the HS football game, we were playing Carmel so the helicopters were flying circle over my house, the canons were going off and traffic was awful (they lost to Carmel, 49-7). Knowing my children were safe and happy for the evening I was off to see REO Speedwagon at the Ribfest - we stuffed ourselves full of pulled pork and a wonderful Pina Colada and sang along to many songs of our youth - they still sounded good. The girls being the responsible kids they are were home and in bed by 12:30am....good girls - their mother on the other hand, with all intentions of going home after ribfest, got dragged into the midnight poker game, which led to having breakfast at 4am - Kelsey said to me - 'you got in a 5am didn't you?' - yes, yes I did.
I managed to get a few things done Saturday after I arose for the day - not easily though - the lawn needs to be cut, but I just can't bring myself to it. Kelsey worked until 5pm and by 6:30pm we were all off with some friends to see the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young concert - it was awesome and r
eminded me of how the music I grew up with had such powerful messages behind them - there are a few today but none with near the impact. The evening was slightly chilly but we enjoyed it immensely - the older girls like it as well - Alex, she fell asleep on under a blanket - but said she liked it alright, but it all sounded the same - lol! We got to see the downtown fireworks from where we were sitting so we enjoyed several shows for the evening - we got in a 1am, exhausted and an early morning facing us -
5:45am - OMG, I don't really have to get up do I? Please, Please let me sleep in, roll-over and snuggle my dreams, up and off to Bloomington (about an 45 minute drive) for the first of 2 games for the day - 8am start time - UGH......we finally get there, I reload my coffee and sit to watch our first game, we lost - not a good start to the weekend. Alex and I got home, did a few things - again, my intention was the lawn - but that didn't happen - we crashed - up again to go back down to Bloomington for now a 6:15pm game, Kelsey joined us so I had my family for some together time - it's been awhile - they won this game 1-0, much better and a boost to the team, we enjoyed a family dinner at Olive Garden, went home and crashed again with full bellies.
Okay a little better, but not much - up and ready for a 10:30am & 3:30pm games, we head out. Kelsey worked today. These games ended with a 4-0 win and 1-1 tie - both were good games and enjoyed by parents and kids. On our way home, stopped in my sister in law's brother's house for a cook-out, enjoyed good food and good company and we were off again - a living room set caught my eye on Sunday while reading the paper and I decided to take a look, it is being delivered in a week - I am so excited! Catching up on bills, getting ready for the week and the lawn still has not been mowed! ;)
I managed to get a few things done Saturday after I arose for the day - not easily though - the lawn needs to be cut, but I just can't bring myself to it. Kelsey worked until 5pm and by 6:30pm we were all off with some friends to see the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young concert - it was awesome and r

5:45am - OMG, I don't really have to get up do I? Please, Please let me sleep in, roll-over and snuggle my dreams, up and off to Bloomington (about an 45 minute drive) for the first of 2 games for the day - 8am start time - UGH......we finally get there, I reload my coffee and sit to watch our first game, we lost - not a good start to the weekend. Alex and I got home, did a few things - again, my intention was the lawn - but that didn't happen - we crashed - up again to go back down to Bloomington for now a 6:15pm game, Kelsey joined us so I had my family for some together time - it's been awhile - they won this game 1-0, much better and a boost to the team, we enjoyed a family dinner at Olive Garden, went home and crashed again with full bellies.
Okay a little better, but not much - up and ready for a 10:30am & 3:30pm games, we head out. Kelsey worked today. These games ended with a 4-0 win and 1-1 tie - both were good games and enjoyed by parents and kids. On our way home, stopped in my sister in law's brother's house for a cook-out, enjoyed good food and good company and we were off again - a living room set caught my eye on Sunday while reading the paper and I decided to take a look, it is being delivered in a week - I am so excited! Catching up on bills, getting ready for the week and the lawn still has not been mowed! ;)
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Girls Soccer Schedules - Aug/Sept.
Here is where we will be for soccer in case 'ya want to stop by - and people wonder where I am in the fall. Course this year will be tough on some weekends since Alex has a bunch of tournaments schedule - woohoo!
For Kelsey, most weeknight HS games for Varsity start at 7pm - but check with me occasionally they change the start time , for Alex's game - send me an e-mail and I will let you know times!
August 23 - Kelsey, Home against North Central
August 25- 26 - Alex, PikeFest Tournament
August 25 - Kelsey, Away, Lake Central/Penn (Northern Ind)
August 30 - Kelsey, Home against Roncalli
Sept 2-4 - Alex, Bloomington Tournament
Sept 6 - Kelsey, Away, Lawrence North
Sept 9 - Alex, Away, Seymour, IN
Sept 11 - Kelsey, Home, Hamiltion SE
Sept 16 - Kelsey, Away, Terre Haute, IN
Sept 16 - Alex, Away, Tipton, IN
Sept 17 - Alex, Away, Seymour, IN
Sept 17 - Alex Home Game
Sept 20 - Kelsey, Away, Warren Central
Sept 23 - Kelsey, Home against Brebuf
Sept 24 - Alex, Home Game
Sept 27 - Kelsey, Away, Carmel
Sept 29 - Kelsey, Home - East Central
Sept 29 - Oct. 1 - Alex, Champaign, ILL Tournament
Ahhh, the fall, sun and soccer fields!
For Kelsey, most weeknight HS games for Varsity start at 7pm - but check with me occasionally they change the start time , for Alex's game - send me an e-mail and I will let you know times!
August 23 - Kelsey, Home against North Central
August 25- 26 - Alex, PikeFest Tournament
August 25 - Kelsey, Away, Lake Central/Penn (Northern Ind)
August 30 - Kelsey, Home against Roncalli
Sept 2-4 - Alex, Bloomington Tournament
Sept 6 - Kelsey, Away, Lawrence North
Sept 9 - Alex, Away, Seymour, IN
Sept 11 - Kelsey, Home, Hamiltion SE
Sept 16 - Kelsey, Away, Terre Haute, IN
Sept 16 - Alex, Away, Tipton, IN
Sept 17 - Alex, Away, Seymour, IN
Sept 17 - Alex Home Game
Sept 20 - Kelsey, Away, Warren Central
Sept 23 - Kelsey, Home against Brebuf
Sept 24 - Alex, Home Game
Sept 27 - Kelsey, Away, Carmel
Sept 29 - Kelsey, Home - East Central
Sept 29 - Oct. 1 - Alex, Champaign, ILL Tournament
Ahhh, the fall, sun and soccer fields!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
School has Started!!!
This week started with the kiddies returning to school! Which for me means being 'on-time' getting out the house in the morning, making sure both girls are up and moving - have money, supplies, signed whatever and dealing with the traffic around the schools. Kelsey drives to school now, so she isn't much a worry. I take Alex which does cause for headaches. There are 3 schools in the same vicinitity that use 1 main intersection with stop signs. If I don't time my departure just right, I can be caught behind the busses leaving the HS and going over to the MS to drop off the kids there, if I am running real late, I catch them all returning to the bus garage. This wouldn't be a problem but there are a lot of busses and the school district has people stopping traffic on both ends to ensure they arrive on-time, it can be frustrating. When you do finally arrive at the MS, your first challenge is to make the left-hand turn into the parking lot, with the HS on your right and TONS of new teen drivers trying to make left-hand turns onto the road - it gets quite hairy, I have survived many near misses when they attempt to turn left after I have made my left - almost catching the butt end of my car. Finally I make my way to the 'drop-off' lane at the MS where we have been instructed to patiently await until we get close to the door and drop our children off. The outside lane is for people 'just driving through' as we have been told. As in all places, there are those that think they are special and must not follow the rules, they pull up in the outside lane, their child jumps into traffic from the 'drop-off' lane and proceeds to unload the entire contents of their house from the back causing all the rest of us in both lanes to wait - I am awaiting the day someone gets all over these people - I will let ya know. And after all this joyous start to the day, I get to battle construction and traffic for 32 miles up the road to my job. Don't 'ya all wish you started your day this way, I know 'ya do.
Alex so far likes all her classes, she for one of the first times has 2 of Kelsey's old teachers (who loved Kelsey) and when they past out books in Social Studies class she discovered she had gotten Kelsey's old book - maybe Kelsey made good notes for her. Kelsey doesn't like many of her classes, not for the subjects she is taking, well a couple, mainly because none of her friends are in her classes this year. I said that should be a good thing to allow her to pay attention better - for which I was told "she learns better when she has friends in the class", with straight A's last year, I couldn't really argue the point so we will see.
Soccer is now in full swing. Alex has practices Tues - Thurs with games on the weekends, Kelsey has practice after school everyday with most games during the week. Of course, the few games Kelsey will have on Saturday I have to be out of town with Alex, doesn't it always work that way. Kelsey played her first HS Varsity game last night, they beat them 1-0, which is always a good start to the season.
Whew! Made it through the summer, let's see what school season brings!
Alex so far likes all her classes, she for one of the first times has 2 of Kelsey's old teachers (who loved Kelsey) and when they past out books in Social Studies class she discovered she had gotten Kelsey's old book - maybe Kelsey made good notes for her. Kelsey doesn't like many of her classes, not for the subjects she is taking, well a couple, mainly because none of her friends are in her classes this year. I said that should be a good thing to allow her to pay attention better - for which I was told "she learns better when she has friends in the class", with straight A's last year, I couldn't really argue the point so we will see.
Soccer is now in full swing. Alex has practices Tues - Thurs with games on the weekends, Kelsey has practice after school everyday with most games during the week. Of course, the few games Kelsey will have on Saturday I have to be out of town with Alex, doesn't it always work that way. Kelsey played her first HS Varsity game last night, they beat them 1-0, which is always a good start to the season.
Whew! Made it through the summer, let's see what school season brings!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
A Hermit Crab joins the Family
Alex spent the week with grandma & grandpa in Chicago, meaning she had them all to herself. We scheduled her to attend a UK International Soccer camp while there as a nice end of summer trip. Kelsey had tryouts, practices and work so was not able to go.
Alex enjoyed the week at camp, loved that she got to go back to school shopping with grandma all by herself - my mother has more patience for Alex's shopping techniques than I, Alex is just like my sister with exception Alex knows every designer label and what the hottest things now. For the un-informed, 8th grade girls are now into Abercrombie and Hollister.
At camp, she was made MVP Camper for the week, her coaches from Liverpool and Scotland both heralded her skills and toughness. She also went to the zoo and made a new friend at camp.
And, a grand thanks to my mother who could not resist bringing my daughter into a pet store. The end result was a new hermit crab named squirt has now joined our family. He is pretty quiet, comes out for a bit and then goes back into his shell. So far Alex is taking responsibility to watch his temperature levels, water supply and feeding -
Knowing how much she missed all of us, Alex promptly returned home for a total of 1 hour and was off to a 'end of summer' party sleep-over. Kelsey was working and also had an 'end of summer' party to attend - which left me with nothing to do since I had worked so diligently getting all my 'fall house cleaning' done, so I too went out for the evening. We finally got together Sunday for dinner and a flurry of making sure EVERYTHING was ready for first day of school the next day.
For today, my world is organized and that is all good.
Alex enjoyed the week at camp, loved that she got to go back to school shopping with grandma all by herself - my mother has more patience for Alex's shopping techniques than I, Alex is just like my sister with exception Alex knows every designer label and what the hottest things now. For the un-informed, 8th grade girls are now into Abercrombie and Hollister.
At camp, she was made MVP Camper for the week, her coaches from Liverpool and Scotland both heralded her skills and toughness. She also went to the zoo and made a new friend at camp.
And, a grand thanks to my mother who could not resist bringing my daughter into a pet store. The end result was a new hermit crab named squirt has now joined our family. He is pretty quiet, comes out for a bit and then goes back into his shell. So far Alex is taking responsibility to watch his temperature levels, water supply and feeding -
Knowing how much she missed all of us, Alex promptly returned home for a total of 1 hour and was off to a 'end of summer' party sleep-over. Kelsey was working and also had an 'end of summer' party to attend - which left me with nothing to do since I had worked so diligently getting all my 'fall house cleaning' done, so I too went out for the evening. We finally got together Sunday for dinner and a flurry of making sure EVERYTHING was ready for first day of school the next day.
For today, my world is organized and that is all good.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Quote on the World
I watch all that is going on overseas, worry about the world as a whole and try to understand all the issues.
But when this came through my e-mail from a friend, I thought how relevant to today's issues. She was an intelligent woman, to bad we didn't heed these words more closely.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
I survived!

By Saturday evening running on 3 hours of sleep, I didn't think I would make it through the day, the 6 hour roundtrip to drop Alex off just about got me (thank goodness for red bull & coffee) - finally got me some sleep and was up Sunday early for the race. It was a hot one, but our tickets were under cover - thank goodness, even walkin' around the track we all got some sun. Found out there were 250 people down at the track for heat - and some people there were really ripe! Since we got to the race early, the girls shopped and finally conceded and bought some Tony stuff - I haven't backed a driver since Dale Sr. passed on, he was my favorite! We consumed lots of liquids which made the coolers easier to carry back to the car. Jimmie Johnson won - Tony made a good effort, Jeff whom my racing partners were cheering for just didn't have it all day. This is a first, me hugging a Gordon fan - lol! A good time was had by all!

School starts next week, Kelsey has her first Varsity game this weekend, and somehow I have to get Alex from Chicago! I finally managed to get the house, bills and all that stuff done last night, now I have tonight to try to catch up on the lawn - come on rain - I really don't want to do it yet, would like an evening free for once just to do nuthin!

Have a good rest of the week all!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Another Race Weekend!
And I will be racing! ;)
This weekend will be a busy one, Alex is headed to Chicago Saturday evening to spend the week with my parents and attend a UK soccer camp. Kelsey made the H.S. Varsity Soccer team and their season begins Saturday morning with kick-off festivies and a Red/White game between the JV and Varsity teams. Right after this I get to jump in the car and do a nice 5 hour roundtrip up to Merrillville, IN to meet my parents for the kids swap -
Then on to Sunday where I was invited to go to the Brickyard 400 - a first for me - I have been to Bristol & Talladega, but never the 400, even after 6 years of living in Indy. Our seats are in the first turn 20 rows up, close enough to kill my ears and get tire pebbles in my face - I am so looking forward to it.
Kelsey made top seller and top tire polish seller at Mike's for the month of July, earned her a little x-tra cash in her check - Alex has been practicing with her new soccer team this past week in the brutal heat, she was a trooper.
I want to take an opportunity to say!
CONGRATS! To Sam & Jillian in Alaska, after a year of being married they are finally holding their wedding reception and their new home is coming along nicely - click on Alaska Friends to see their progress.
To my daddy - I won't give away his age, but he is still lookin' good and working full time - dad - when are you going to retire - AGAIN? Love 'ya Daddy
To my uncle - Who was there when I came into this world and continues to call me his calico cat - have a good one Uncle Bud! ;)
This weekend will be a busy one, Alex is headed to Chicago Saturday evening to spend the week with my parents and attend a UK soccer camp. Kelsey made the H.S. Varsity Soccer team and their season begins Saturday morning with kick-off festivies and a Red/White game between the JV and Varsity teams. Right after this I get to jump in the car and do a nice 5 hour roundtrip up to Merrillville, IN to meet my parents for the kids swap -
Then on to Sunday where I was invited to go to the Brickyard 400 - a first for me - I have been to Bristol & Talladega, but never the 400, even after 6 years of living in Indy. Our seats are in the first turn 20 rows up, close enough to kill my ears and get tire pebbles in my face - I am so looking forward to it.
Kelsey made top seller and top tire polish seller at Mike's for the month of July, earned her a little x-tra cash in her check - Alex has been practicing with her new soccer team this past week in the brutal heat, she was a trooper.
I want to take an opportunity to say!
CONGRATS! To Sam & Jillian in Alaska, after a year of being married they are finally holding their wedding reception and their new home is coming along nicely - click on Alaska Friends to see their progress.
To my daddy - I won't give away his age, but he is still lookin' good and working full time - dad - when are you going to retire - AGAIN? Love 'ya Daddy
To my uncle - Who was there when I came into this world and continues to call me his calico cat - have a good one Uncle Bud! ;)
Stay Cool and Enjoy! For Summer is coming to a close!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
HOT! Soccer

After playing 3 games during the day, we closed the fields down this evening with the 4th and final game which was between 2 of our girls teams, White & Blue, the white team (Alex's) lost by 1 so they will not get to go on to Regionals. But, that game I think was the most fun because the girls were tired and playing against their own team-mates they were just laughing - good luck to Blue in Chicago.
It's one more week before all craziness breaks out again with school starting and getting everyone on a schedule. Alex has soccer practice all this up coming week, well the coach said they could take Monday off, that was nice since after this weekend they all ain't got much in them.

The heat took it out of me on Saturday, with well intentioned plans to get the lawn mowed - (it's just a tad long - oops) I proceeded to lay down on the couch in the cool air-conditioning - when I woke it was 8pm already, really truly to late to mow - so here I am today, thinking I was to only have 1 game this morning and would take care of mowing - 4 games later, it's 7pm and I am just now home and cooling off - the lawn awaits, so I shall go forth and conquer. Course, that only leaves me to clean some house, cat boxes, fill the fish tank, grocery shop pay bills and try to figure out where everyone will be this week! UGH! Can I have a do over on the weekend - please!
Off to mow! Stay Cool..............

Since this was mostly about Alex, thought I would include some of her pics -
she has been playing with my camera again.
she has been playing with my camera again.
Thursday, July 20, 2006

We all got to take a break for a moment and enjoy some of this country, the girls took off for St. Augustine Beach with their father for a week traveling by motor home and camping.
I went in the opposite direction and headed for the desert city of Las Vegas for a 3-day weekend. All I can say is it was fabulous, we enjoyed the vibrancy of the city taking in many of the local hotspots, tries to win a car - I did really want the BMW two-seater, some roulette and an awesome comedy show. If you have the chance to see the Amazing Jonathan, I would recommend it, well for those not easily offended - [ view video clip ]. By the time my head hit the pillow the first night there, I had already been up for 24 hours. The weekend went by in a flurry and I was home before I knew it - dammit! Will need to plan a bit more time the next time out!

We are back at it here at home with work schedules, dentist and dr appointments all in the mix. Kelsey already 'lost' her retainer, it was found and we are awaiting its return by mail. Work is slamming me still and even more so now that I have lost a few days by being off - I hope to survive. The rest of the month will continue to get busy with the upcoming Fall school season, Kelsey logged into her school account and got a peek at her classes for next year, fairly heavy schedule. Soccer is beginning to creep back into our life with Alex playing some 3 v 3 tournaments and Kelsey in some pre-school tournaments.
Week of July 31st - Kelsey has soccer try-outs
Week of Aug. 7 - Alex will be in Chicago
August 14th - School Starts
Saturday, July 08, 2006
July Update!
Well did you here that
big Whoosh? That seemed to me like the holiday rushing by and mid-month already approaching rapidly. With tons of deadlines, I keep a close eye on where I am at in a month - it never ends! The girls and I enjoyed a long 4th of July weekend, I actually got to sleep in and lay around the house one day, a rare occurrence for me.
The pictures enclosed are from friends out in this big world of ours
Tracey & David are in England for the summer with 2 boys ages 4y & 18 months, their exploits of traveling around with two little ones has been entertaining and the pictures Tracey is taking are awesome.
Grace is on a ship with the navy, she has been on board for 6 months and due to home port in August, she recently got a break and did some sight seeing.

Cards Friday evening, no good cards - but the company was and big poker drama, a couple of the girls called out this drunk 80 yo old guy who was mouthing off ( he should of been escorted out), testosterone began to build with a few of the guys standing up - it was all to much fun to watch, knowing no one would really 'take on the old drunk' - but he did have a cane, would he use it? Nope, not this evening he wouldn't.......stay tune for continuing saga of "Evenings of Poker"
Fireworks can now be legally shot off in Indiana, for years, the state has allowed sales of fireworks in Indiana with the stipulation that you signed a release saying you would be taking them out of state. Yeah right, we have enjoyed shooting off some nice displays each year in our court and this year was no exception - we discovered Alex is a little pyro and we needed to watch her closely - "uh Alex how many bottle rockets 'ya got there? - one - Alex - well 3 - Are you sure? - I have 6". Kelsey tried her hand at shooting off one of the mortars, it had a long fuse - but it didn't matter to her, when it got lit and started - she would start running and kinda of screaming to the sidewalk - too funny to watch, but it didn't stop her from shooting off more. A word of caution, be careful of the triple mortars, they are big displays.
A big Happy Birthday to my mother, she celebrated another year on July 3rd. She was traveling in Iowa to visit the my father's homestead and meet up with my Uncle. I am so jealous, she got to eat Maid-Rites, to any of you who have seen Roseanne, these are the 'loose meat' sandwiches and they are so good.
I joined my brother and sister-in-law on the 4th and received Big News from them - I going to be an aunt, we are all so excited for them. I have had the running record for having the only grandkids that has held for 16 years, I am happy to relinquish the record and welcome a new baby into the family - just as long as it isn't mine! ;) The girls have already been lined up for babysitting tasks, Kelsey has requested in not be a boy, she does not want to have to deal with 'spray' while changing diapers!
The girls and I had the chance to catch a movie, we choose the 'Devil Wears Prada', our combined opinion was a 'thumbs-up', all enjoyed it! Now have got to get to the new 'Priates' movie!
On July 6th, Kelsey's braces are officially gone and replaced by a beautiful silver glitter retainer - she is so excited! I attempted to take pictures but she was having none off it, this is what i got. Afterwards, she ate for the first time and was ecstatic that bread no longer got caught everywhere. I then drove them to Cincinnati so they could go on a vacation with their dad to the beach - which of course now leaves me alone for the week! Woo-Hoo, got things to do, places to go (Vegas) and enjoy the quiet!

The pictures enclosed are from friends out in this big world of ours

Tracey & David are in England for the summer with 2 boys ages 4y & 18 months, their exploits of traveling around with two little ones has been entertaining and the pictures Tracey is taking are awesome.

Cards Friday evening, no good cards - but the company was and big poker drama, a couple of the girls called out this drunk 80 yo old guy who was mouthing off ( he should of been escorted out), testosterone began to build with a few of the guys standing up - it was all to much fun to watch, knowing no one would really 'take on the old drunk' - but he did have a cane, would he use it? Nope, not this evening he wouldn't.......stay tune for continuing saga of "Evenings of Poker"
Fireworks can now be legally shot off in Indiana, for years, the state has allowed sales of fireworks in Indiana with the stipulation that you signed a release saying you would be taking them out of state. Yeah right, we have enjoyed shooting off some nice displays each year in our court and this year was no exception - we discovered Alex is a little pyro and we needed to watch her closely - "uh Alex how many bottle rockets 'ya got there? - one - Alex - well 3 - Are you sure? - I have 6". Kelsey tried her hand at shooting off one of the mortars, it had a long fuse - but it didn't matter to her, when it got lit and started - she would start running and kinda of screaming to the sidewalk - too funny to watch, but it didn't stop her from shooting off more. A word of caution, be careful of the triple mortars, they are big displays.
A big Happy Birthday to my mother, she celebrated another year on July 3rd. She was traveling in Iowa to visit the my father's homestead and meet up with my Uncle. I am so jealous, she got to eat Maid-Rites, to any of you who have seen Roseanne, these are the 'loose meat' sandwiches and they are so good.
I joined my brother and sister-in-law on the 4th and received Big News from them - I going to be an aunt, we are all so excited for them. I have had the running record for having the only grandkids that has held for 16 years, I am happy to relinquish the record and welcome a new baby into the family - just as long as it isn't mine! ;) The girls have already been lined up for babysitting tasks, Kelsey has requested in not be a boy, she does not want to have to deal with 'spray' while changing diapers!
The girls and I had the chance to catch a movie, we choose the 'Devil Wears Prada', our combined opinion was a 'thumbs-up', all enjoyed it! Now have got to get to the new 'Priates' movie!

I hope all of you have had a good Holiday and
are enjoying the summer as well!
are enjoying the summer as well!
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