Sunday, October 08, 2006

Still working......

October is a hectic month for me, soccer is winds up to wind down for fall season, our National Convention is this month, Fall break for the kids that includes teacher conferences and my own 'geek' conference is always held this month and then let's not forget Halloween.

I for some reason, the leaves turning colors, the slight breeze in the air, the ability to open the windows - not sure what always get into the mood to do 'projects' around the house - now I start great guns, but time gets away from me and I leave things un-done. This fall, I am vowing not to do that - I am working feverishly to get all done around the house so that by the end of this month (well okay, 1st week of November) I have completed all painting, have my new furniture delivered, have old furniture picked up and the garage is back into some semblance of order.

I started my bedroom yesterday, taking it in sections working up to a big piece of furniture, getting it moved and continuing on - I am done with 3 of the walls and it is looking good - now you say, only 3? Well I failed to mention my room is 16 x20, with 16ft high ceilings that go to a peak, so yea, only 3 - I should get it finished this week - have to get the trim done in areas so I can move the furniture around as well - especially my big roll-top desk, it's going to be a bear to move which is why I have painted up to it at this time! ;)

Did manage to get my mums planted, I love mums in the fall, they look so pretty against the changing trees which are now beginning to look brilliant in their reds, golds and oranges - hopefully we will be able to escape next Sunday and get down to the apple orchard - nothing better than going into the big refrigerators where they store all the apples and just take a big breath in - ahhhhh - of course, then there is cider, cider donuts and pumpkins to find!

Kelsey is doing pretty good in school, she has come to learn she LOVES chemistry and is re-thinking her career ideas at this time, it is Sectional/Regionals time for the high school soccer teams starting tommorrow, hopefully we will get down to state again this year. The girls have several dinners, breakfasts and the alike scheduled for the week to go along with the sectional - it's a fun time for the girls and they work hard. Last years team made it to the Elite 8.

Alex is doing good in school as well, her soccer team won today, a much needed win after we had a very bad tournament weekend last weekend (though she did score a goal). Her team is heading into tournament this weekend at her old club - we'll see how that does.

So on Saturday, I am supposed to have my furniture delivered, the old furniture picked up, Alex has 2 games at 9am & 2pm - Kelsey has the final Sectional game at 10am - I am still trying to figure out how I am supposed to take care of all of it - ugh!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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