Monday, October 09, 2006

I think I have a case of the Mondays.........

It started off with all of us getting up late, okay well Alex and I overslept, Kelsey is always up and out the door sometimes before we are even awake....the child is dedicated. The day proceeded down from there, got into work late - didn't feel like I got a dang thing accomplished at work. The house is torn to pieces, laundry is overflowing, dishes need to be done and my bedroom, my sanctuary is torn to pieces with the painting - now not sure how I am to get it all done in the next couple weeks and my mom is coming to stay with the girls while I am in Vegas attending the conference- UGH!

Off from work I was heading to Kelsey's team first sectional game - dang it's hot today, running late forgot to grab clothes to wear to the game,I was wearing a sweater and pants -and was dying of heat - ahhh, don't 'ya just love Fall in Indiana 80 today - snow showers for this week on Wed - so I jumped over to the nearest department store to grab a pair of jeans since from where I work, where I live and where the soccer game was it was to far to go home and get back plus I had tossed 6 pairs Sunday so I felt it was justified - great - doing the famous change in the car routine - thought I had gotten all the tags - not - forgot that lovely one that shows the size going down the back of the leg, fortunately, one of the other soccer parents noticed it before i got to far - busted!

The game went well, okay, I personally felt sorry for the other team they were out matched and from what I understand one of their best players was benched with ACL tear - we took the game 6-0, after awhile you were just wishing they would run the clock faster - I have been on that other side, it's not a fun feeling. Kelsey played but noticed she just wasn't there, one-step off and not running really to hard - as a mom who has watched her play many years, this truly wasn't a very good game for her - but as she has gotten older she will berate herself for her bad games more than I ever could. As she walked over to the parents side of the field she was by herself and headed directly to me, unusal, first because she is almost always the last kid off the field and 'ya know it's not altogether cool to be around your parents - by the time she got to me, she was bawling, something I have not seen this child do for many, many years - even after she got cleated in the eye last year - it was a doosy.

I took her in my arms and just held her, it is her ear and it was hurting really bad - I asked coach if I could take her with me vs her riding the bus home this evening, stopped by the drugstore and picked up some sweet oil (pharmicist recommended for ear pain, stated all the other stuff was garbage) - got the drops in and home we went. Called her girlfriend to meet me at the house so we could get her car from school - Kelsey went straight upstairs, laid down and we put hot compresses on her ear - after drugging her up with other items I had picked up that day - she is now asleep course it could be the benadryl?!

Kelsey is stubborn (just like her momma) when it comes to being sick - I had thought, like Alex, she was suffering from allergies which have been bad this fall season - with her coming/going so much it really is hard to know - Course I really didn't catch on how sick until last night - So at lunch today, after calling the Dr. to find out how best to treat (she had been self-medicating, don't you just love em) - I came home with a plethora of drugs for her to ingest - some for the evening, the others for the day. Hopefully we can get her feeling better - she so much wants to be playing some in sectionals and Thursday is the next game.

Alex has lost her cell phone, course you call the company and they want to charge you arm/leg for a new since our 'contract' won't be up until next Sept, already gave those away for her braces that will be put on in the next few weeks, kinda need the others, and then tonight - I was informed someone again stole her mouthpiece from her case in the band room, this happened last year as well - band director offered her no assistance, and she had to sit the entire class - so here I am ordering a new one.

Other lovely items that graced this day - um, found out our cell phones are over thier minutes ($250 dollars worth), called, upped my cell plan and they graciously reduced that to $35 - whew - got Alex's phone reported as lost so I wont' be charged in case it is found by someone who decides calling Japan is a good thing - Alex swears it is in my car or the car ate it since the last time she saw it was on a way to a soccer game (a week ago) after I picked her up from a friends house. Course if she kept it fully charged (she thinks 2 bars is enough) we might be able to call and find it! Got my furniture delivery rescheduled to Tuesday next week instead of Saturday which is the day they selected after they couldn't deliver it last week while I was off - as it is - I have someone coming to pick up the old stuff Saturday, Alex has 2 games for tournament and Kelsey, if they win Thursday will be playing the final sectional game to move over to regionals - now when am I supposed to get laundry, dishes, animals, lawn and my room finished this week?

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