Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ya Didn't Have my Back

That's right grandma and grandpa, this one is for you! Oh the bad talk about tattoos, piercings and more - Gypsy's, isn't that what I have always heard? Only Gypsy's pierce thier ears and bodies!!! So when it came down to it - I left it to you to say 'no' and you failed me! Where was my support on one of the few things I wanted to hold off on. Gone, out the door!

So This One is For You!
And to my darling brother who egged the situation on (as always with Alex)_, you now owe me $45 bucks since you decided to put your money up for it!

I hope you all love the outcome ~ Alex is thrilled and all her friends are SO jealous of her abs!

Alex also received her driver's permit on this day - it was a growing up day for all of us!

Yard Done....check

Managed to get the yard and house done on Memorial Day, a thanks to my next door neighbor who brought over a big-ass wheelbarrow and a pitchfork, it made my task of mulching the gardens much easier.

Thanks to Devon who showed up just when my arms, back and legs were pure mush to help finish up the job. Kelsey was busy inside mopping and cleaning the floors where I had finished caulking and painting the 1/4 round on the floor.....the downstairs is done ...well except a few spot things here and there....but it's done enough for the graduation open house!

Senior Toga Day

Kelsey was busy all last week with different dress days, on toga day the girls stopped by our house to get their wraps into place.


Monday, May 26, 2008

May is the 500 in Indy

I didn't get a chance much to enjoy the celebrations leading up to the Indy 500. Kept tabs on my brother's progress through the month like a lot of fans, I read in online and in the paper.

He didn't get to qualify the first day, but his team and driver Townsend Bell were the fastest qualifer's the 2nd day. Here is a shot that was on the front page of the Indy Star. That's Chris on the left.

Alex, Devon and I got over to the track a bit for Community Day, my parents had come down to surprise my brother and allow my dad to get to the track at least once in the month of May.
Here Devon and Alex are posing in front of the Real Borg Warner Trophy. I have no idea what the looks were for, they did everything but smile.

I attended with my race partner, Rick whose wife doesn't really care to go - it works out for all of us and besides, she says I am one of the few who can put up with his ornery ass.

To add to the merriment (drunk fest) Rick's brother Tim and his wife Sandy joins us again for the race. Good time had by all! My brother's team took their car to 10th place! Rick was my DD and delivered me home where I promptly walked straight up to my bed, stripped and passed out!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I am almost done!

Yeah! I am coming into the home stretch. It's been a busy month of soccer games, school celebrations and more.

First there was take your kid to work day, I worked it out so Alex had Shae there whose grandma works at the Finish Line, we went for a great lunch at a chinese buffet! I am not really sure how much work was accomplished, but they both decided they did not want to work their way up from distribution after a tour of the warehouse! That was great news.

The weekend after prom, Alex and I headed down for a 2 day tournament in Louisville, here she is waiting for the game to start, don't you see the intense focus.

We met up with a good friend of mine Toni at the mall, She pointed out Tim Gunn from My Project Runway was in Macy's, so Alex snapped a shot. Next up in-between work, getting the house ready for graduation, soccer practice and errands was my company dinner. Highlight of the evening were one of our developers doing his impressions and the guy from the Under Armour commercials - ladies he is hot!

Here is a nice shot of my coworker Donna, boss Brian and IMother's Day weekend was packed full of household chores, it was the only weekend that I had available to finish up the many projects needed to be done before the graduation open house, I managed to get a jump on a bunch of stuff, but really didn't have a 'relaxing' mother's day, all work...everybody has been wondering where I got off to.

Evansville up the next weekend, state cup for Alex's soccer. Why in the world they send all the local Indianapolis teams 3 no god damn good way to get there hours away to play each other for the 'state games' I don't have a clue. But the girls got to play under the lights on a wonderful 77 degree evening. It was a good night.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Rabbit that came for a Visit

And only a visit. Adamant about 'No More Pets', Alex has wanted a bunny. Her science project for Honors Biology was growth rates in bunnies, guess what on long weekends someone had to take them home.

I remain strong and the lovely bunny went home to another loving family!

Saturday, May 10, 2008