Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ya Didn't Have my Back

That's right grandma and grandpa, this one is for you! Oh the bad talk about tattoos, piercings and more - Gypsy's, isn't that what I have always heard? Only Gypsy's pierce thier ears and bodies!!! So when it came down to it - I left it to you to say 'no' and you failed me! Where was my support on one of the few things I wanted to hold off on. Gone, out the door!

So This One is For You!
And to my darling brother who egged the situation on (as always with Alex)_, you now owe me $45 bucks since you decided to put your money up for it!

I hope you all love the outcome ~ Alex is thrilled and all her friends are SO jealous of her abs!

Alex also received her driver's permit on this day - it was a growing up day for all of us!

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