I managed to get a few things done Saturday after I arose for the day - not easily though - the lawn needs to be cut, but I just can't bring myself to it. Kelsey worked until 5pm and by 6:30pm we were all off with some friends to see the Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young concert - it was awesome and r

5:45am - OMG, I don't really have to get up do I? Please, Please let me sleep in, roll-over and snuggle down....in my dreams, up and off to Bloomington (about an 45 minute drive) for the first of 2 games for the day - 8am start time - UGH......we finally get there, I reload my coffee and sit to watch our first game, we lost - not a good start to the weekend. Alex and I got home, did a few things - again, my intention was the lawn - but that didn't happen - we crashed - up again to go back down to Bloomington for now a 6:15pm game, Kelsey joined us so I had my family for some together time - it's been awhile - they won this game 1-0, much better and a boost to the team, we enjoyed a family dinner at Olive Garden, went home and crashed again with full bellies.
Okay a little better, but not much - up and ready for a 10:30am & 3:30pm games, we head out. Kelsey worked today. These games ended with a 4-0 win and 1-1 tie - both were good games and enjoyed by parents and kids. On our way home, stopped in my sister in law's brother's house for a cook-out, enjoyed good food and good company and we were off again - a living room set caught my eye on Sunday while reading the paper and I decided to take a look, it is being delivered in a week - I am so excited! Catching up on bills, getting ready for the week and the lawn still has not been mowed! ;)
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