Friday, September 29, 2006

Didn't get to my bedroom

Alas, it is always the way - the one thing you want to get accomplished, 100 other things get in line before it. I did managed to get all the downstairs done and finished now awaiting the arrival of my new furniture - painted the upstairs hallway & trim last night - ugh, it really needed it - again damn kids and thier dirt! - lol.

Lawn is mowed so neighbors won't complain, cleaned up the gardens and the back yard a bit, big dog tends to have some fun with old soccer balls - there are dead carcasses laying all over with bits and pieces - since the homeowners association president lives behind me I have to be good - managed to get my #'s on my mailbox - another homeowner assoc. thing, we all received notices from the neighborhood nazi that we were not 'up to code'. Course they want us to spend $80 to purchase a new mailbox from this authorized company that has 'special letters' on it that you can't get anywhere else - and you can't buy just the letters it is the whole thing - screw that, we all bought various letters from the store and put them on ourselves -

Got my garage back to some order so I can get my car in, now waiting to get rid of old furniture, I am donating it to the St. Vincent organization course they are scheduled to come on the 14th, along with my new furniture. I feel good about all I accomplished, but sadden by the fact I have to wait a little bit longer to get my own room done - lived in this house for 6 years now - all the rooms have been painted once or twice, sadly mine still has the cheap white that was on it when it was built......

Halloween is just around the corner, and for once I have my decorations out a little early - for some reason this holiday has become as big as Christmas around here when it comes to outside decorations. Mine are not all that elaborate, the neighbors have those big blow-up things, lights for the gutters, etc. - course, it also takes them another 2 weeks after halloween to get them taken down. I am truly trying to get a jump on things here before winter sets in, the air is cooler so it is not to far off.

Off to get the regular chores of laundry, dishes, bills and packing done. Alex and I are off to lovely Champaign, Il for a soccer tournament. Tonight I hope to go out a bit and play some poker, the cards have not been good to me of late, and when they were - someone always had just a tad better - course, folded a 3/4 un-suited last week, the flop came down 3,3,K - that would of given me 3 of a kind, then with the turn card came a 4 - damn, full house and I would of raked in a pretty penny - it's sometimes about the choices you make - just like in life! But my table buddies all said they would of folded that hand on the raise as well - great, thanks for the comforting thoughts - I wanted all your chippies!

~ Have a great weekend all! ~

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