Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Hermit Crab joins the Family

Alex spent the week with grandma & grandpa in Chicago, meaning she had them all to herself. We scheduled her to attend a UK International Soccer camp while there as a nice end of summer trip. Kelsey had tryouts, practices and work so was not able to go.

Alex enjoyed the week at camp, loved that she got to go back to school shopping with grandma all by herself - my mother has more patience for Alex's shopping techniques than I, Alex is just like my sister with exception Alex knows every designer label and what the hottest things now. For the un-informed, 8th grade girls are now into Abercrombie and Hollister.

At camp, she was made MVP Camper for the week, her coaches from Liverpool and Scotland both heralded her skills and toughness. She also went to the zoo and made a new friend at camp.

And, a grand thanks to my mother who could not resist bringing my daughter into a pet store. The end result was a new hermit crab named squirt has now joined our family. He is pretty quiet, comes out for a bit and then goes back into his shell. So far Alex is taking responsibility to watch his temperature levels, water supply and feeding -

Knowing how much she missed all of us, Alex promptly returned home for a total of 1 hour and was off to a 'end of summer' party sleep-over. Kelsey was working and also had an 'end of summer' party to attend - which left me with nothing to do since I had worked so diligently getting all my 'fall house cleaning' done, so I too went out for the evening. We finally got together Sunday for dinner and a flurry of making sure EVERYTHING was ready for first day of school the next day.

For today, my world is organized and that is all good.

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