And life is getting busy for the kids. Final projects, tests, recitals and a general wrap up of the school season gets going in these last two weeks leaving us parents running twice as much as we attempt to get everything done and attend all these functions.
Alex had her band concert on Tuesday evening, again upset her dad wouldn't come over to see her - she tries to put it off as nothing and makes excuses, but it still bothers her. It was a wonderful concert, but will probably be her last year in band, which is required (or chorus) for MS kids. Personally, I think it is a scam for us to keep a certain instrument supplier in business - at the end of this year I will now be the proud owner of a trumpet to go along with the clarinet I already have in my ensemble. She cheered on Wednesday's game which of course CG won. In addition, she did really well on a math pre-test that let her do more advanced work, she was very excited.
Kelsey has been in/out working at Mikes and preparing for her many finals, her drive and self-dedication to get these things done always amaze me. She is one of the leads on the student council winter dance committee which we will all see how that turns out this evening. And, bless her, she has picked up some of the house chores while I have been down and out....
I have been pretty much out of it this week, doing my best to maintain but wanting nothing more to crawl in bed, which a couple of nights I have, the girls have attended to themselves, thank goodness they are older.
Since last week, I have been having 'pain' in my lower abdomen area, it had been getting increasingly worse over the weekend and really made me take notice on Monday, I suspected that my ol women's plumbing was acting up again so off to the Dr. I went, sure enough, after some blood work and ultrasounds, it was what I suspected - cysts (bout size of golf balls) have re-emerged on my ovaries and are pressing down on everything - now my frustration is, I am told we can re-scan in 4-6 weeks but that is about it - so I now am living with sharp pains that encompass walking, sitting and any activity which also is now effecting my knees - I am mess ~ in speaking with the nurse on Friday after the final results came in I said that's great I get to live with this for 4-6 weeks, what about the pain - I have not heard back, try to get any pain relief these days from everyone abusing, well Drs are not so forth-coming - even after I told her I am using 1600 mg (that is 16 pills) of ibuprofen twice a day and it is just dulling the pain, unfortunately, I am one of those people who has high tolerance to any medications so where one pill would put someone to bed, for me, it doesn't even touch it. I am calling again after the week end, this is just plain silly and when I hurt this bad, my kids suffer cause I don't want to deal with anything.
The weather as predicted has been a balmy 55 - 60 degrees and I don't even enjoy it right now.
I did attempt to get shopping done yesterday, I am truly not in a festive holiday mood at all, in fact I have been using the f'word alot the past few weeks, truly unlike me, but damn I am over all of it! - I managed to make a good dent and am almost finished for everyone, but due to the above, I pretty much came home, took whatever drugs I had from other things and went to sleep on the couch. At midnight, I had to get up and bring my youngest home from where she was going to stay the night, but due to some teenage fights, she was in tears - she called to come home.
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