Up early (I was used to it) - Worn out I ran and picked up Ed & Kelly, headed to a soccer game and then off to the airport to drop them off, I got home around 4:30pm, chatted with the girls a bit and off to bed I went - I vaguely remember opening my eyes at 7:30pm and again at 2:33pm - but I didn't move until 6:30am getting the full rest my body needed -
I had today off, thank you work! I lazily caught up, cleaned up, un-packed (2 suitcases one for Vegas/one for convention), napped, ate, napped and just rested. After a long shower and lots of lotion my skin and body is beginning to feel a little bit alive - my voice however is still very deep and sultry -
I am off to bed, good seeing everyone these past couple of weeks I enjoyed my time with all of you!
Changing Direction 2012
Is it really about the customer?
Musings on my interactions and other items that catch my fancy during my daily course of life.
Formerly about the life & times of a single soccer mom, two girls, 4 cats and a dog; the girls have grown and are in college, I am still single and we sadly lost one cat but gained a puppy.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Convention....Time to Go to Work 10/24 - 10/28
I arrived back from Vegas and returned home at 1am, my mom and I chatted a bit working my road buzz off leaving me to get to bed around 2am, up by 6am, I got ready and headed downtown to Conseco fieldhouse to find my office for the rest of the week - after driving around a little and getting oriented to where all the venues were - I settled in to work and got to see all the good friends I come to enjoy when convention time rolls around.
I found out quickly, moving this convention to a city imparts a lot of walking - Wednesday night after a long day of work, my brother dropped Alex and a friend off to attend the Carrie Underwood concert. After walking a total of 10 blocks to retrieve some of my stuff, carrying my laptop we got to the car to go home, I was supposed to stay at downtown this evening, but after arriving home at 1:30am, thought it just as well I stayed home. Up early Thursday and back into Conseco for another really busy day of work, things are going really well! Kids are swarming the streets, all behaving well and we are busy posting pictures, new releases, awards and audio. Convention is in full swing - we all get out of the building around 11:30am, off to Champions to wind down and relax a bit to celebrate a good day - another 1:30am night, but slept in a big comfy soft bed downtown - that was nice. Up Friday for another full day of work, this evening we all departed out about the same time, grabbed some dinner, some time at Champions and down to Nicky Blaines for a late night cigar and cocktail - 2:30am this evening - we were all hurting going into Saturday our final day. I was up early and challenged with doing some private work with no internet connection - decided it best I just drive out to the house, complete what I needed and get myself cleaned up properly for another long evening - when I got downtown last session was in full swing with the election of our National officer team, I had the page ready for the annoucement and awaited the final 'gavel' shot to be brought in from the stage area. Loaded it up, sent out releases and off we all were to Bucca's for a fine meal, afterwards Sam, Kelley, Ed and myself met Bill down at the Slippery Noodle and finished off the evening with some great blues/harmonica playing while enjoying all the halloween costumes...
I found out quickly, moving this convention to a city imparts a lot of walking - Wednesday night after a long day of work, my brother dropped Alex and a friend off to attend the Carrie Underwood concert. After walking a total of 10 blocks to retrieve some of my stuff, carrying my laptop we got to the car to go home, I was supposed to stay at downtown this evening, but after arriving home at 1:30am, thought it just as well I stayed home. Up early Thursday and back into Conseco for another really busy day of work, things are going really well! Kids are swarming the streets, all behaving well and we are busy posting pictures, new releases, awards and audio. Convention is in full swing - we all get out of the building around 11:30am, off to Champions to wind down and relax a bit to celebrate a good day - another 1:30am night, but slept in a big comfy soft bed downtown - that was nice. Up Friday for another full day of work, this evening we all departed out about the same time, grabbed some dinner, some time at Champions and down to Nicky Blaines for a late night cigar and cocktail - 2:30am this evening - we were all hurting going into Saturday our final day. I was up early and challenged with doing some private work with no internet connection - decided it best I just drive out to the house, complete what I needed and get myself cleaned up properly for another long evening - when I got downtown last session was in full swing with the election of our National officer team, I had the page ready for the annoucement and awaited the final 'gavel' shot to be brought in from the stage area. Loaded it up, sent out releases and off we all were to Bucca's for a fine meal, afterwards Sam, Kelley, Ed and myself met Bill down at the Slippery Noodle and finished off the evening with some great blues/harmonica playing while enjoying all the halloween costumes...
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
MAX Conference 06, Las Vegas

I attended a portion of the Adobe, MAX Conference in Las Vegas. I was staying at the Venetian hotel and I had the opportunity to meet up with some old friends, meet new ones and begin a 10 day adventure of late nights, long days and good times working - Sunday everyone started rolling into town for conference, out we all went - Monday came another good day and a GREAT welcome reception held at the Venetian pool, tons of food and spirits allowed us to catch up with everyone and what they had been into for the year. Tuesday general session opened with the Blue Man group - cool things were on display and I was off for a full day of workshops, catching a plane and arriving in Indy at midnight. But I managed to get in some good conference time even though it put me down on sleep. Here are some photos taken by one of my conference friends and fellow developer Annissa.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I'm in the Homestretch!
Whew! It's been a month and my poor body is a hurtin' - been thinking about all I have gotten accomplished since the end of September and givin' myself a big pat on the back - yeah!!!!
I have:
I leave on Friday to begin the 1.5 week journey beginning with traveling to Las Vegas on Friday, returning on Tuesday midnight and then headed for the rest of the week to stay downtown Indy at the Marriott while working our convention. My kids will get to attend the Carrie Underwood concert with me on Wednesday, but that will be about the only time I see them the rest of the week.
I failed on getting 'mother of the year' award with Kelsey this month. As in previous post, she has had a cold and ear pain - nowadays - Dr's say wait a week and see if the ears clear up - I did and she was still having problems, so off to the Dr she went (by herself - that was great) - she was informed that she had a massive ear infection and the Dr asked how she could stand the pain - oh great, make me feel guilty for not taking care of my child. She is now on antibiodics and hopefully will be feeling better soon. Of course, her High School soccer team is in full swing playing in the sectionals, regionals and hopefully state - we will find out tonight after the Regional game. They won sectionals on Saturday and celebrated with a huge bonfire that evening - our old recliner was scarificed and burned - it was scary how fast it went up and thinking it was in my house! Kelsey arrived Sunday morning at Alex's soccer game (8am) with black paint still under her eyes from where they had TP'd coaches house - she was tired, still had homework to do and work to go to - I hope she survives this soccer season.
School conferences are this week, I am pleased to report that once again, both girls have glowing reports from their teachers. I met with one of Alex's teacher, Alex and Kelsey joined us. Alex reviewed all her classwork with me and led the conference starting by introducing me to her teacher - it's kinda nice to have the kids take control of their conference. I got GREAT Kids!!!
October came and went so quickly, I counted only by tasks accomplished and hours slept (not many). I did manage to get out a few times for some cards, got a little tipsy one night to forget all my 'lists' for a bit - now I am ready to get a lot 'tipsy' on Friday and Saturday -
I have:
- Painted over 1200 sq ft of walls, ceilings & trim
- Put up 6 Rolls of Insulation in Garage (course had to move all stuff)
- Moved, Cleaned and Toss a ton of crap from the garage
- Installed new refrigerator, moved coke machine and old refrigerator to garage
- Got new furniture delivered
- Cleaned all the house carpets
- Cleaned the house (mommy is coming on Friday)
- Did an unusal amount of laundry due to curtains, bedspreads, etc needing to be cleaned
- Kept up with lawn
- Attended 16 Soccer games - 4 out of town
- Attended 6 High School 3 hour task force meetings
- Attended 3 picnics/bonfires and prepared side dishes
- (4) Ortho, Dr, Eye Appts
- Created (5) New mini-websites for National Convention
- Attended Student conferences for kids
- Ran all the usual shopping, grocery and project errands
I leave on Friday to begin the 1.5 week journey beginning with traveling to Las Vegas on Friday, returning on Tuesday midnight and then headed for the rest of the week to stay downtown Indy at the Marriott while working our convention. My kids will get to attend the Carrie Underwood concert with me on Wednesday, but that will be about the only time I see them the rest of the week.
I failed on getting 'mother of the year' award with Kelsey this month. As in previous post, she has had a cold and ear pain - nowadays - Dr's say wait a week and see if the ears clear up - I did and she was still having problems, so off to the Dr she went (by herself - that was great) - she was informed that she had a massive ear infection and the Dr asked how she could stand the pain - oh great, make me feel guilty for not taking care of my child. She is now on antibiodics and hopefully will be feeling better soon. Of course, her High School soccer team is in full swing playing in the sectionals, regionals and hopefully state - we will find out tonight after the Regional game. They won sectionals on Saturday and celebrated with a huge bonfire that evening - our old recliner was scarificed and burned - it was scary how fast it went up and thinking it was in my house! Kelsey arrived Sunday morning at Alex's soccer game (8am) with black paint still under her eyes from where they had TP'd coaches house - she was tired, still had homework to do and work to go to - I hope she survives this soccer season.
School conferences are this week, I am pleased to report that once again, both girls have glowing reports from their teachers. I met with one of Alex's teacher, Alex and Kelsey joined us. Alex reviewed all her classwork with me and led the conference starting by introducing me to her teacher - it's kinda nice to have the kids take control of their conference. I got GREAT Kids!!!
October came and went so quickly, I counted only by tasks accomplished and hours slept (not many). I did manage to get out a few times for some cards, got a little tipsy one night to forget all my 'lists' for a bit - now I am ready to get a lot 'tipsy' on Friday and Saturday -
Watch out Vegas, Here I come!
Monday, October 09, 2006
I think I have a case of the Mondays.........
It started off with all of us getting up late, okay well Alex and I overslept, Kelsey is always up and out the door sometimes before we are even awake....the child is dedicated. The day proceeded down from there, got into work late - didn't feel like I got a dang thing accomplished at work. The house is torn to pieces, laundry is overflowing, dishes need to be done and my bedroom, my sanctuary is torn to pieces with the painting - now not sure how I am to get it all done in the next couple weeks and my mom is coming to stay with the girls while I am in Vegas attending the conference- UGH!
Off from work I was heading to Kelsey's team first sectional game - dang it's hot today, running late forgot to grab clothes to wear to the game,I was wearing a sweater and pants -and was dying of heat - ahhh, don't 'ya just love Fall in Indiana 80 today - snow showers for this week on Wed - so I jumped over to the nearest department store to grab a pair of jeans since from where I work, where I live and where the soccer game was it was to far to go home and get back plus I had tossed 6 pairs Sunday so I felt it was justified - great - doing the famous change in the car routine - thought I had gotten all the tags - not - forgot that lovely one that shows the size going down the back of the leg, fortunately, one of the other soccer parents noticed it before i got to far - busted!
The game went well, okay, I personally felt sorry for the other team they were out matched and from what I understand one of their best players was benched with ACL tear - we took the game 6-0, after awhile you were just wishing they would run the clock faster - I have been on that other side, it's not a fun feeling. Kelsey played but noticed she just wasn't there, one-step off and not running really to hard - as a mom who has watched her play many years, this truly wasn't a very good game for her - but as she has gotten older she will berate herself for her bad games more than I ever could. As she walked over to the parents side of the field she was by herself and headed directly to me, unusal, first because she is almost always the last kid off the field and 'ya know it's not altogether cool to be around your parents - by the time she got to me, she was bawling, something I have not seen this child do for many, many years - even after she got cleated in the eye last year - it was a doosy.
I took her in my arms and just held her, it is her ear and it was hurting really bad - I asked coach if I could take her with me vs her riding the bus home this evening, stopped by the drugstore and picked up some sweet oil (pharmicist recommended for ear pain, stated all the other stuff was garbage) - got the drops in and home we went. Called her girlfriend to meet me at the house so we could get her car from school - Kelsey went straight upstairs, laid down and we put hot compresses on her ear - after drugging her up with other items I had picked up that day - she is now asleep course it could be the benadryl?!
Kelsey is stubborn (just like her momma) when it comes to being sick - I had thought, like Alex, she was suffering from allergies which have been bad this fall season - with her coming/going so much it really is hard to know - Course I really didn't catch on how sick until last night - So at lunch today, after calling the Dr. to find out how best to treat (she had been self-medicating, don't you just love em) - I came home with a plethora of drugs for her to ingest - some for the evening, the others for the day. Hopefully we can get her feeling better - she so much wants to be playing some in sectionals and Thursday is the next game.
Alex has lost her cell phone, course you call the company and they want to charge you arm/leg for a new since our 'contract' won't be up until next Sept, already gave those away for her braces that will be put on in the next few weeks, kinda need the others, and then tonight - I was informed someone again stole her mouthpiece from her case in the band room, this happened last year as well - band director offered her no assistance, and she had to sit the entire class - so here I am ordering a new one.
Other lovely items that graced this day - um, found out our cell phones are over thier minutes ($250 dollars worth), called, upped my cell plan and they graciously reduced that to $35 - whew - got Alex's phone reported as lost so I wont' be charged in case it is found by someone who decides calling Japan is a good thing - Alex swears it is in my car or the car ate it since the last time she saw it was on a way to a soccer game (a week ago) after I picked her up from a friends house. Course if she kept it fully charged (she thinks 2 bars is enough) we might be able to call and find it! Got my furniture delivery rescheduled to Tuesday next week instead of Saturday which is the day they selected after they couldn't deliver it last week while I was off - as it is - I have someone coming to pick up the old stuff Saturday, Alex has 2 games for tournament and Kelsey, if they win Thursday will be playing the final sectional game to move over to regionals - now when am I supposed to get laundry, dishes, animals, lawn and my room finished this week?
Off from work I was heading to Kelsey's team first sectional game - dang it's hot today, running late forgot to grab clothes to wear to the game,I was wearing a sweater and pants -and was dying of heat - ahhh, don't 'ya just love Fall in Indiana 80 today - snow showers for this week on Wed - so I jumped over to the nearest department store to grab a pair of jeans since from where I work, where I live and where the soccer game was it was to far to go home and get back plus I had tossed 6 pairs Sunday so I felt it was justified - great - doing the famous change in the car routine - thought I had gotten all the tags - not - forgot that lovely one that shows the size going down the back of the leg, fortunately, one of the other soccer parents noticed it before i got to far - busted!
The game went well, okay, I personally felt sorry for the other team they were out matched and from what I understand one of their best players was benched with ACL tear - we took the game 6-0, after awhile you were just wishing they would run the clock faster - I have been on that other side, it's not a fun feeling. Kelsey played but noticed she just wasn't there, one-step off and not running really to hard - as a mom who has watched her play many years, this truly wasn't a very good game for her - but as she has gotten older she will berate herself for her bad games more than I ever could. As she walked over to the parents side of the field she was by herself and headed directly to me, unusal, first because she is almost always the last kid off the field and 'ya know it's not altogether cool to be around your parents - by the time she got to me, she was bawling, something I have not seen this child do for many, many years - even after she got cleated in the eye last year - it was a doosy.
I took her in my arms and just held her, it is her ear and it was hurting really bad - I asked coach if I could take her with me vs her riding the bus home this evening, stopped by the drugstore and picked up some sweet oil (pharmicist recommended for ear pain, stated all the other stuff was garbage) - got the drops in and home we went. Called her girlfriend to meet me at the house so we could get her car from school - Kelsey went straight upstairs, laid down and we put hot compresses on her ear - after drugging her up with other items I had picked up that day - she is now asleep course it could be the benadryl?!
Kelsey is stubborn (just like her momma) when it comes to being sick - I had thought, like Alex, she was suffering from allergies which have been bad this fall season - with her coming/going so much it really is hard to know - Course I really didn't catch on how sick until last night - So at lunch today, after calling the Dr. to find out how best to treat (she had been self-medicating, don't you just love em) - I came home with a plethora of drugs for her to ingest - some for the evening, the others for the day. Hopefully we can get her feeling better - she so much wants to be playing some in sectionals and Thursday is the next game.
Alex has lost her cell phone, course you call the company and they want to charge you arm/leg for a new since our 'contract' won't be up until next Sept, already gave those away for her braces that will be put on in the next few weeks, kinda need the others, and then tonight - I was informed someone again stole her mouthpiece from her case in the band room, this happened last year as well - band director offered her no assistance, and she had to sit the entire class - so here I am ordering a new one.
Other lovely items that graced this day - um, found out our cell phones are over thier minutes ($250 dollars worth), called, upped my cell plan and they graciously reduced that to $35 - whew - got Alex's phone reported as lost so I wont' be charged in case it is found by someone who decides calling Japan is a good thing - Alex swears it is in my car or the car ate it since the last time she saw it was on a way to a soccer game (a week ago) after I picked her up from a friends house. Course if she kept it fully charged (she thinks 2 bars is enough) we might be able to call and find it! Got my furniture delivery rescheduled to Tuesday next week instead of Saturday which is the day they selected after they couldn't deliver it last week while I was off - as it is - I have someone coming to pick up the old stuff Saturday, Alex has 2 games for tournament and Kelsey, if they win Thursday will be playing the final sectional game to move over to regionals - now when am I supposed to get laundry, dishes, animals, lawn and my room finished this week?
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Still working......
October is a hectic month for me, soccer is winds up to wind down for fall season, our National Convention is this month, Fall break for the kids that includes teacher conferences and my own 'geek' conference is always held this month and then let's not forget Halloween.
I for some reason, the leaves turning colors, the slight breeze in the air, the ability to open the windows - not sure what always get into the mood to do 'projects' around the house - now I start great guns, but time gets away from me and I leave things un-done. This fall, I am vowing not to do that - I am working feverishly to get all done around the house so that by the end of this month (well okay, 1st week of November) I have completed all painting, have my new furniture delivered, have old furniture picked up and the garage is back into some semblance of order.
I started my bedroom yesterday, taking it in sections working up to a big piece of furniture, getting it moved and continuing on - I am done with 3 of the walls and it is looking good - now you say, only 3? Well I failed to mention my room is 16 x20, with 16ft high ceilings that go to a peak, so yea, only 3 - I should get it finished this week - have to get the trim done in areas so I can move the furniture around as well - especially my big roll-top desk, it's going to be a bear to move which is why I have painted up to it at this time! ;)
Did manage to get my mums planted, I love mums in the fall, they look so pretty against the changing trees which are now beginning to look brilliant in their reds, golds and oranges - hopefully we will be able to escape next Sunday and get down to the apple orchard - nothing better than going into the big refrigerators where they store all the apples and just take a big breath in - ahhhhh - of course, then there is cider, cider donuts and pumpkins to find!
Kelsey is doing pretty good in school, she has come to learn she LOVES chemistry and is re-thinking her career ideas at this time, it is Sectional/Regionals time for the high school soccer teams starting tommorrow, hopefully we will get down to state again this year. The girls have several dinners, breakfasts and the alike scheduled for the week to go along with the sectional - it's a fun time for the girls and they work hard. Last years team made it to the Elite 8.
Alex is doing good in school as well, her soccer team won today, a much needed win after we had a very bad tournament weekend last weekend (though she did score a goal). Her team is heading into tournament this weekend at her old club - we'll see how that does.
So on Saturday, I am supposed to have my furniture delivered, the old furniture picked up, Alex has 2 games at 9am & 2pm - Kelsey has the final Sectional game at 10am - I am still trying to figure out how I am supposed to take care of all of it - ugh!
I for some reason, the leaves turning colors, the slight breeze in the air, the ability to open the windows - not sure what always get into the mood to do 'projects' around the house - now I start great guns, but time gets away from me and I leave things un-done. This fall, I am vowing not to do that - I am working feverishly to get all done around the house so that by the end of this month (well okay, 1st week of November) I have completed all painting, have my new furniture delivered, have old furniture picked up and the garage is back into some semblance of order.
I started my bedroom yesterday, taking it in sections working up to a big piece of furniture, getting it moved and continuing on - I am done with 3 of the walls and it is looking good - now you say, only 3? Well I failed to mention my room is 16 x20, with 16ft high ceilings that go to a peak, so yea, only 3 - I should get it finished this week - have to get the trim done in areas so I can move the furniture around as well - especially my big roll-top desk, it's going to be a bear to move which is why I have painted up to it at this time! ;)
Did manage to get my mums planted, I love mums in the fall, they look so pretty against the changing trees which are now beginning to look brilliant in their reds, golds and oranges - hopefully we will be able to escape next Sunday and get down to the apple orchard - nothing better than going into the big refrigerators where they store all the apples and just take a big breath in - ahhhhh - of course, then there is cider, cider donuts and pumpkins to find!
Kelsey is doing pretty good in school, she has come to learn she LOVES chemistry and is re-thinking her career ideas at this time, it is Sectional/Regionals time for the high school soccer teams starting tommorrow, hopefully we will get down to state again this year. The girls have several dinners, breakfasts and the alike scheduled for the week to go along with the sectional - it's a fun time for the girls and they work hard. Last years team made it to the Elite 8.
Alex is doing good in school as well, her soccer team won today, a much needed win after we had a very bad tournament weekend last weekend (though she did score a goal). Her team is heading into tournament this weekend at her old club - we'll see how that does.
So on Saturday, I am supposed to have my furniture delivered, the old furniture picked up, Alex has 2 games at 9am & 2pm - Kelsey has the final Sectional game at 10am - I am still trying to figure out how I am supposed to take care of all of it - ugh!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!
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