Sunday, March 18, 2007

I don't like Mondays!!

A long busy weekend, I spent it driving over 350+ miles going to soccer games, events, home, etc. In between it was St. Pattys Day where it is required to celebrate right? With several invitations and the kids schedule butting up against all of them, I didn't get out until 11pm, course I did take a small moment to shower, slather lotion and nap for 20 minutes, thank god I did ~ up early again Sunday to be at a soccer game at 7am, the sun was at least out, but that is about all I can say.

Sunday was also the day the Garden Show closed meaning Marla and I needed to be at the fairgrounds at 6pm to pick up our plants and urn purchased earlier. It was NUTS, people grabbing plants from the displays, how much, how many, exhibitors trying to break down displays and the alike. I quickly thought and we started at the top of the hall, bringing 'additional' purchases down to be stacked by her urn, this worked well, the workers for the urn company ended up hauling all our stuff out to the car and load it, let's just say we managed to fill up the back end of a suburban. The plants are now awaiting their final plantings (or resting place) in my gardens, let it get just a tad warmer, they will be there.

Which brings me to this lovely Monday morning, which greeted me with a 100+ temperature, back pain and no voice. I called in to work sick and headed back to bed, it was around 3pm my fever finally broke but I was left exhausted and having some slight belly bloat, a premonition of what was to come?

As many know, when you are a single mom, life doesn't stop just cause you are sick, I got up feeling a little better and took care of their needs, promptly back into bed by 9pm and awake again at 11pm....the week isn't looking up at this point.

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