Changing Direction 2012
Is it really about the customer?
Musings on my interactions and other items that catch my fancy during my daily course of life.
Formerly about the life & times of a single soccer mom, two girls, 4 cats and a dog; the girls have grown and are in college, I am still single and we sadly lost one cat but gained a puppy.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
It was a hot, wet Saturday, the weather couldn't decide if it wanted to pour or roast us as we sat on the sidelines. We played 2 games, here are few pics of Kelsey.
The games were brutal, the refs not calling anything and the girls came away victors in both games but with a lot of war wounds, thankfully nothing serious but they were hurting. I took off between games and dried their pre-game shirts that were soaking wet from the first game, it was all worth the hassle of finding a laundry mat (15 minutes away and had to ask 2 stores for directions) when the I left and over heard the girls exclaim with excited voices 'they are still warm', everyone loves shirts right out of the dryer.
The CG Lady Trojans now have a website here: CG Lady Trojans
Sunday was the day I decided to tackle the yard. With no rain this summer, the weeds are growing just fine, the lawn, well, its been almost 6 weeks since I mowed if that tells you anything. (I just trimmed the tall weeds). I managed to get a few things done outside and it is now ready for fall, the worst is getting all the tiny weeds growing on my patio. I gave Patches a new soccer ball to destroy and he was having a good time.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Big Weekend

Grandma and Grandpa came down on Saturday for a visit and I was having fun making my niece giggle. We all went to the zoo on Sunday, it started out with beautiful weather, getting a little hot and humid towards the afternoon. We all enjoyed the day.
We were also introduced to Chris's new baby.
A very good week of family and fun!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
First Day of School
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Ticking off Worry List Items
The girls have stepped up, Kelsey took her drive and tenacity for which I admire her for and worked on getting 72 tubs of cookie dough sold to cover both her and Alex's fees for soccer. You'll be getting a call soon, if you haven't already! They both continue to assist on the house. I had to re-engage as Mom and get Alex out of her contacts for which she is allowed to wear only for soccer....had to, maybe a little to loudly, remind her what would happen if she doesn't quit wearing her contacts and let her eyes heal, vanity is sometimes tough but loosing your vision would be far worse.
Family and friends, all I can do is thank you. Those who know me know I find it difficult to ask for help so as not to impose or bring my stress into their lives, each call and e-mail I have received with your support, assistance and mentoring have led me to tears of relief and joy. I am so selfish in never realizing what good people I have surrounded myself with and they have always been there ready when I truly needed them. You know I can thank you all enough.
I am off to shake the stress from my shoulders and chant my mantra of 'opportunity, opportunity, opportunity'. A tip I received, it does help.
Red/White and So Blue
The girls had plans for the evening and I did as well, 2 bottles of wine, a good friend to talk to and 2 big golden retrievers laying on top of us. It rained, again another cleansing? We sat out under an umbrella feeling the gentle mist of the rain fall over us for a little while, enjoying the sound. It was a welcomed respite, even with this, sleep was limited and food really didn't look interesting.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I'm Over It - Timeout
Kelsey spent the weekend at Ball State attending a newspaper clinic they ran, Alex was out and about with friends all weekend, mom as always was attending to the house and getting in a few work hours to catch up before the week ahead hit.
Tryouts for soccer were this week and the girls were both nervous and excited knowing 3 days of hard practices and tryouts would be there. Each day, they got up at were at the school by 6:45am. God love them.
Tuesday was again a horribly stressful day at work with the fallout of the server, another large deadline looming, and 2 more right behind it, I threw up..my body reacting when I could no longer do so and wondering why ultimately I put myself through this. Wednesday slammed in with more, the air at work filled with tension and stress, ....the other thing it was the day to find out who was to make what team, Kelsey made Varsity, Alex Freshman....this was tough for Alex and me as well. Freshman is a developmental team, not bad, but truly she wanted to be along with many of her friends on JV, I know this was tough and it took everything I had to put away my own stresses and focus on her disappointment. As I had with Kelsey, I tried to encourage to talk her to the coaches and ask what does she need to work on to have the opportunity to be moved up to JV, unlike Kelsey, this is a little harder for Alex. Oh, dang, this is what motherhood is all about. Life has not been all roses and we need to all get back on balance - especially me, I feel like I am spiraling, trying to get things back in line and it ain't working - I am only one person.
Another long day facing a computer, my shoulders knotted to a solid mass from hours of continuous work without getting up and the news that Alex has eye infections. Her contacts aren't allowing enough oxygen to the eyes - as explained whites cells were developing and if left to continue without treatment she could get ulcers and possibly loose her vision, alright god, enough, come on now - its really time to stop. can I cry for a minute now, please?