Sunday, April 15, 2007

Prom Dresses and Where is Spring?

It has been a cold, windy awful weather week. Tough for all those spring breakers coming back. My plants I got into the ground a couple of weeks ago are still struggling, but alive. Soccer has pretty much been canceled all week due to either cold or the fields being to wet to play on.

Kelsey's friend Shae (one of my 2nd daughters) stayed with us this weekend with her parents out of town attending a wedding. The girls had both originally planned to go to Bloomington early before their games to check out Prom dresses. Games canceled, we went ahead down. I have to note, I love Shae especially when she calls us on her cell phone from the bathroom downstairs to let us know she needs TP - these kids have truly embraced technology to the hilt!

We had fun with them modeling several dresses and joining in on a bride to be's decision on her dress. It was a family atmosphere and we enjoyed the shop owners. Here are the girls trying on dresses.

Shae fell in love with the green Flash dress, Kelsey love the deep purple one. We will need to return to get them altered - on Kelsey, they were all way to long and a little wide around the waist/bust. But at least we do not have to go to a dozen more stores, I am so relieved.

Alex spent the day with friends and stayed over night at Ashleigh's. I got out later that night, the first time in several weeks, almost forcing myself to go - by the time I got out, it was snowing making me want to snuggle at home. But, glad I went out and enjoyed the opening of a friend's new bar and another friend's birthday, slide show is on myspace.

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