It's neen a busy March with tournaments, out of town trips, birthdays and the alike. Time has run short for shopping, packing, checking and making sure everything is ready - the girls are now on thier way to Disney World with their father in the RV. I will miss them but this is also a time for me to get a nice break from being responsible for anyone but me! (well except the cats & dog - they don't leave me alone!)
Tornado season has begun and while driving home late this evening after locked up working heavy on developing a program all day I encountered the most beautiful lightening display all around me, it was nice - my good feelings continued on my way in the door to the house as I was greeted by the big dog, shaking with every ounce of his body not to jump, but wants me to pet him - this always puts a smile on my face. Walking on into the house the first thing
I noticed was the silence, ahhh it was peaceful and quiet - no stereo, 2-3 tvs, phone ringin, etc -
Enjoying this moment and tending to the big puppy who is now needing to be let out, I then realize the second nice thing - the house is clean.....looking around, it's been really cleaned! Wow, do I have great kids or what....thank you girls - it was nice to come home to!
The night is still early and I am a free woman, got to get ready, next game starts at 11pm!

I recently had the opportunity to visit some of the bars near my home and participate in their Texas Hold-Em tournaments (3 nights in a row). Well, I thoroughly enjoyed the play, meeting some of the regulars, cheap beer and FREE Hold-Em. Last night, I joined the group again for what will probably be a regular late Wednesday night game (2nd game starts @10pm).
Got my chips, beer in hand I settled at the table. Still a complete novice to etiquette I wonder whom is the 'hard-core' player that will always be quick to let me know when I have fallen out of etiquette - they come out fast! Well, much to my delight, this was a varied and wonderful group of people. Play began, a little slowly because the first dealer mis-dealt 2x times - patience. I got some cards but was slow to begin play, and then the cards came - I was able to knock out 4 of 9 people with calling their 'all-ins', the most fun was the player to my left,
I was working on a nice straight, he kept calling - finally just before the last card played - he goes all in, not having my straight, but thinking he is bluffing - I called........ - the last card comes out, I had gotten my pretty straight, he looked at me, mucked his cards, shook my hand and walked away, my pot 6,000......sometimes playing can be sweet! I continued to play moving to consolidated tables as players dropped out , finally loosing on my own all-in. It was all good.
Now if I can only one day get up the courage to play for some real dollars..........

Most days I don't get home until 7pm or later leaving me with the evening chores, various items to sign/check and of course....our evening dinner. Now, I don't have an aversion to cooking, but needing to have something cranked out in 30-45 minutes and not a good pre-planner - add to the fact the youngest is a really picky eater, well....I would sometimes just ignore it and hope it goes away.
It doesn't!
I hear about it from my oldest whom gets tired of thrown together meals from the freezer and refrig. Which brings us to last night.
Having received a call from my neighbor who leaves the message 'nice you calling me the last month' - and the joke of not having spoken to her since last fall, I grabbed a beer and headed down the block. (It's now 6:30pm) - we chatted a bit and decided to come back down to my house - well two women whom haven't seen each other in a few months have a few things to catch up on....
Besides, Alex was still full from her birthday challenge.
Pictured here with 10 gummy worms in her mouth, her strategy, all in, then chew......it didn't work to well.
At 7:30pm, Kelsey pops in the room and says she want to make the chicken for dinner on the grill - go ahead, we continue to chat. Kelsey pops back in to say dinner is now ready (fully expecting me to jump up and come down to dinner - not), we continue to chat. She leaves and another friend calls, now on the phone gabbing away and in pops Kelsey with a very curt, short Your dinner is in the Microwave. Hmmmm, I wonder if she is a little upset I didn't come and enjoy her dinner she took the time and effort to prepare - where have I felt that one before?
Later that evening (10pm) I finally get down to the kitchen to get my dinner, in the microwave is a beautifully laid out plate of chicken (cut up), green beans and corn with a garnish of pineapple.
It was delicious............I could get used to this but next time I will make sure I am at the table on time!
Awaken by a parent at the door wanting to pick up thier precious daughter from the birthday party, I began the day! Pickups continue throughout the morning with the last going out the door at 1:30pm - whew! But now, it's onto the road to get Kelsey up to her U19 soccer game
(she will be playing U16 & U19 this season).
Overcast, about 46 and that dang Indiana wind blowing across the fields, it was Coldddd! The girls warming up, many of them meeting each other for the first time. Our opponents are dressed in complete matching warmups, it's Noblesville - known for thier chicken arms and lackless refs. They didn't disappoint! Elbows flying into backs, breasts and bellys - called, heck no! Our girls just getting comfortable with each other took it for the 1st half.
2nd 1/2, colder now and the wind has picked up - brrrrr!

The girls are just about tired with all this pushing and begin to fight back and stand their ground. I knew Kelsey was a tad angry after being elbowed twice and tripped - when she went to do a throw in, - Kelsey threw that ball as hard as she could at the player, it hit, but not as nearly as hard as Kelsey had wanted - she was mad. I watching all this turned to the other parents and said, I think she meant to hit her......kinda astonished - they chuckled. Kelsey walks by and simply says 'I missed'.........spring soccer league has begun. They lost 2-0
OMG!! George Mason beat UConn - now my bracket is completely shot! Nova loosing, it has not been a good bracket season, but some excellent b-ball!!!
- March 31 - April 7: Spring Break
- April 1: A Soccer, 7:15pm/Indoor
- April 8: A Soccer, 4pm/Zionsville
- April 9: A Soccer, 4pm/Franklin
- April 15: K Soccer U16 12pm/Westfield
- April 15: K Soccer U19 4pm/Home
- April 15: A Soccer 430pm/Home
- April 22: K Soccer 4pm/Center Grove
- April 23: K Soccer U16 1pm/Ft Wayne
- April 23: A Soccer 1pm/Home
- April 23: K Soccer U19 4pm/FSC
- April 29: K Soccer U16 4pm/Westfield
- April 29: K Soccer U19 4pm/WSU
- April 30: K Soccer U19 130pm/Home
- April 30: K Soccer U16 330pm/Home
Born March 17, 1916
A Wonderful day was had by all, especially grandma.
My mother and her brother got together to host an open house, granny didn't want anything at first, fussing, then got used to the idea to where she began to let her likes and dislikes be known - much to the frustration of my mother. It turned out to be all wonderful and mom did a great job!
Old friends, neighbors, church members, old boy scouts (now 70 themselves) and family celebrated her day. I heard a lot of I knew you when you were just this high, it was fun.
It was great for all us kids, we were seeing our cousins and 2nd cousins for the first time for some it had been 20 years.
We have all grown up and turned into unique fun different people than we all remembered back as kids. It was fun getting to know each other again for which we did later that evening over pizza, beer and wine.
Granny had this great outfit she was going to wear - we loved it and though she didn't wear it to her open house, we got her to wear it to the family get together - it was a hit! Gauze tiered green skirt (which she said felt sleazy cause it was all wrinkled) and the t-shirt - simply saying 'Green Eyed Hottie'. She went around to the family saying, ever seen a 90 year-old hottie? Now you have! - lol I love my granny.

Leaning in the doorway watching my grandma put on her makeup, meticulously getting ready and chatting like a school girl about lipstick., blush, her hair, the way her dress rides up in the back I understood at that moment age sometimes is only a state of mind.
She was going to her party, and she was going to look her best - she was beautiful!