Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Floors

It began in October with the tearing out of the wall and removing the viynl and carpeting. I am putting down porcelain tile downstairs, it is coming along and will be finished soon - I am so excited. A friend has been gracious enough to do it for me, he started the weekend we went to granny's. With him laying the tile, we do the grouting and clean up, I move everything to start the next section. This has allowed me the benefit of keeping my household functioning. We are almost there, this week we will grout, then I get to clean up, move stuff and get ready for the last phase...

Course, this just lets me move onto the next thing....getting ready for Christmas and Kelsey's birthday on the 7th - dang, where is the time going.

1 comment:

AKbushbaby said...

Grouting, eh? Hmmm. May I recommend the 'crack sack?' It's like a Ziplock pastry bag for grout. The house looks good, nice work. Peace out,