Kelsey played the last tournament for the season over the last weekend, and it was a good one. Playing for the U-19 team, they took the Championship on PKs (Penalty Kicks). As seen, they loved the t-shirts they received, the plaques promptly got handed off to parents. We finished up the day treating our 'kids' to Dairy Queen, they never really do grow up.
Kelsey is middle row, second from left
Next big news for Kelsey - She got her bottom braces off this morning and the remaining top 6 brackets to follow next week. She was so excited, they look great! Will have pics when they are all off.
Alex had cheer camp this past week, those poor girls practiced and learn great new stands, routines and cheers in a sweltering hot gymnasium. We (the parents) got a taste of it Thursday when we got to see all the new stuff the girls had learned. It was nerve wracking and fun to watch Alex be on top (a flyer) and fully extended up (girls arms straight) - she was a little scared, but trusted her bases and all worked out well. She got A+ Flyer award for the 8th grade girls. This camp was followed by doling out $$ for (2) Cheer jackets and personalized sweatshirts - got to have the gear, but why is it so expensive? It just kills me sometimes!
The grass gardens in the back have met thier demise with I expect resounding cheers from my neighbors, though they served as nice protection to the family of bunnies, when the grass got taller than me, well, I thought maybe it was time to chop it down. My new weed-wacker did a great job and I only ended up with 2 nice gouges out of my legs from flying debris, course when you do this in shorts what do you expect....ahh, love my garden war-wounds makes me feel like I put effort into it.

I am out and about more now that the girls are having more of a social life than me, with Kelsey driving I am now finding more time to do things I haven't been able to before - but on a down-side, going out during the work-week and staying out a wee bit late some mornings doesn't make for a happy camper the next evening - but the girls are dealing with it, as well as me having to listen to Kelsey tell me what time I got in! ;) I have planned my first trip to Vegas July 14th, flying out of Chicago leaving car and dog with mom and dad, know they are so excited about the dog coming to visit - but he is good, I promise! The cats will fend for themselves at home.
Upcoming Events
Girls Gone July 6th-17th Me - Vegas July 14th-16th 3 v 3 Soccer (Alex) July 29th-30th H.S.
Tryouts (Kels) Starts Aug. 1st Alex Chicago Aug 6th-12th School Starts August 14th
Continue to have a Safe Summer All!