Changing Direction 2012
Is it really about the customer?
Musings on my interactions and other items that catch my fancy during my daily course of life.
Formerly about the life & times of a single soccer mom, two girls, 4 cats and a dog; the girls have grown and are in college, I am still single and we sadly lost one cat but gained a puppy.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Lady and Gentlemen.....

Start your Engines......and the Indy 500 race (drinking) weekend begins with Carb Day. A busy weekend ahead with no soccer games and all fun for mom (finally). Saturday I head to the annual Calcutta race party to 'buy' our drivers for the race and win some of the great prizes the guys always manage to have, which then leads directly into Sunday - RACE DAY! Race day starts early with arriving at our prime parking spot which includes a great 'peeing' tree and basketball net to start our morning off with a little competition and of course, beer. The timing will be different with Indiana moving to daylight savings, the race will now begin a 1pm, w

It's been a tough week with me having some health 'issues' on Wednesday, seriously thought I was having some type of heart/lung-attack on Wed morning and being the ummm, stubborn person that I can be, I waited and went to my doctor who after taking some tests decided to send me over to the ER, 5.5 hours later and several tests it was deduce that I had pluerisy (inflamation of the lung covering) which can hurt worse than a heart attack, nothing you can really treat it with except pain medication. But I got to see an ultrasound of my heart and it was lookin' good.
The girls have no games this weekend, we are helping friends move on Friday, Kelsey is going to a Reds game with her boyfriend and back home to stay the night in the friends new house with a gang of the girls - they are brave people. Alex hasn't told me her plans yet but I am assuming it will be getting together with her friends.
I wish everyone a happy, safe memorial day weekend!
Friday, May 19, 2006
It's Friday.....

And a start to another busy weekend. Truly, I should be down in Columbus watching Alex play in the a state cup game, but timing just wasn't with us today. Kelsey is working and it allows me just a little bit of 'me' time before I have to start to run again. Course, I do stupid stuff like grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, etc....I just haven't learned to sit yet, my day will come.

Pictures from Kelsey's tournament in Kentucky
School is coming to a close with only 5 days left. Alex had her band concert last night, we noticed in the program a poem Alex and one of her classmates wrote, they recorded them reciting it and played the recording just before the band started to play the song .
Monsters Under the Bed
by Alex Smith and Shae Rodriquez-Kinney
by Alex Smith and Shae Rodriquez-Kinney
Monsters under my bed Monsters in my head They scare me all the time They're always on my mind I wish I could find, the monsters under my bed I see them when I sleep They really are a creep Oh why are those monsters under my bed?
We learned Kelsey will be getting her braces off at the end of June, she is so excited. I saw pictures they took when she first went in, she looked so young and that was just 2.5 years ago - she is growing up quickly.
Still keeping ahead at work but barely, it is stressing me a bit, deadlines seem to be approaching quickly - the latest done: LifeKnowledge
Now back to programming and the other many sites coming active within the next couple of months - i am getting there, but it is pushing me to limits somedays! ;)
Off to another weekend of soccer games on Saturday. The girls and I are hoping to catch the DaVinci code, read the book and enjoyed it. My parents are in town, with all the rain the Qualifications and Bump Day for Indy 500 have been condensed into this weekend. I sadly (tears, tears) do not get to go for I have to many games to be running to and the timing just isn't there to get it all in. But! If you have the opportunity, tune in, it will be a Very interesting qualification day - hopefully the weather will hold!

Now back to programming and the other many sites coming active within the next couple of months - i am getting there, but it is pushing me to limits somedays! ;)
Off to another weekend of soccer games on Saturday. The girls and I are hoping to catch the DaVinci code, read the book and enjoyed it. My parents are in town, with all the rain the Qualifications and Bump Day for Indy 500 have been condensed into this weekend. I sadly (tears, tears) do not get to go for I have to many games to be running to and the timing just isn't there to get it all in. But! If you have the opportunity, tune in, it will be a Very interesting qualification day - hopefully the weather will hold!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day!

To all my friends and fellow mothers!
I hope you all had a lovely day.
My weekend began playing poker in the Friday night games, was doing well and then began to slide, I still swear it was due to the guy who got sat down next to me when they were combining tables, sucked the luck right out of me!
The weather did not cooperate at all, our intended weekend with my parents to watch Quals was rained out. All weekend, gray, drizzly and cold. Couldn't even play in the gardens (my flowers are blooming). So what better to do than - Sleep! - yep, did almost nothing all day, ahhhh. Well, I did manage to clean out all the old clothes from my closet, then I slept, cool air, rain drops and quiet - Alex was asleep too.
Kelsey was in Kentucky playing in a tournament. I originally couldn't go due to mom/dad coming down, so I decided to drive down on Sunday to watch the game, now that is a mother's love for 'ya. 45 degrees, windy and rainy - and I am driving 2.5 hours to stand in it! On our trip down

The game was rough, the refs liked the other team and we lost 3-2, the girls played well and we only had 1 cut/bruised nose and 2 cuts - not bad. But with them losing it meant we didn't have to stay for the 3pm game - a slight yeah! We stopped for dinner at O'Charley's and headed home. It was a good day with the girls and they finished it sweetly by presenting me with a gift certificate for a massage, ahhhh - I love my girls.
Happy mother's day ............
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Upcoming Events
- Art Show this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 9am - 9m, High School Hall of Achievement
.Alex has 3 pieces included in the exhibit - Kentucky Tournament - Kelsey will be in Kentucky playing a tournament.
- Indy 500 Qualifiers - the day I join my parents for what has become a family tradition. Mother's Day at the track - is there anything better?
- Alex's Spring Band Concert, Thursday May 18th, 7pm Middle School
Sunday, May 07, 2006

It was a beautiful early Saturday morning, a light chill in the air but the sun promised warmth to come. We boarded a singles bus with our hats in hand. Promptly as the bus left for the hour ride down, our fellow riders began to commence drinking. Jaegar bombs, mismosas, bloody marys, jello shots and beer all being passed around, and we weren't even 10 miles down the road - it set a fun pace for the ride.
We arrived at the track around 10:30, first post was at 11am. Being the princess that I sometimes like to be, we rode the shuttle to the grandstands as our companions choose to walk to the infield. Getting off the bus filled our senses with smells, sounds and wow - the sights -

Photo by Wales Hunter
Interesting Sights
- A Louisville Fire sergeant loosing in the box seats behind us.

- A Beer Fairy who walked around, tapped you on the head and announced you were drunk!
- Hats, Hats & More Hats - Check some of the pictures
- Some 'kept' ladies with lots of collagen and implants and outfits so tight they can barely navigate the stairs!
- Lots of drunks in fine clothes
- Horses
- Bourbon, mint and beer

Getting our racing forms we quickly started to bet the ponies and proceeded with the same throughout the day. Figure out who and what we were betting, get in line and bet, have a smoke, drink(s), potty break, back to our seats, watch the race - cheer or cry and start all over again. By the 9th race, my feet were hurting, the mint juleps dulled the pain, but thankfully I had brought along some flops and quickly changed - ahhhhh. Leeann picked the winner for the derby, I had him boxed in an exact, but managed to pull a few $$ out with Bluegrass Cat.

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