As one of many final chapters in Kelsey's high school career begin to close, soccer is the first. The girls played a tough state game and it came down to one goal, the other team won. We as parents were so proud of our girls and how they handled themselves, a parent couldn't ask for a better group of girls.
you were just four
when soccer came knocking at our door
the ball, shin guards and cleats
they look so big on your feet
I stood there at the fields
watching you never yield
I gained more daughters
than any mother should
I felt pride, joy and laughter
in all that you were after
I prayed, hoped and hurt
when the game put you in the dirt
you learned strength, skill and resolve
through this you all have evolved
you learned friendship, leadership and team
in it you all found your dreams
never has a mother felt so much pride
thank you for the ride....
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