Monday, May 26, 2008

May is the 500 in Indy

I didn't get a chance much to enjoy the celebrations leading up to the Indy 500. Kept tabs on my brother's progress through the month like a lot of fans, I read in online and in the paper.

He didn't get to qualify the first day, but his team and driver Townsend Bell were the fastest qualifer's the 2nd day. Here is a shot that was on the front page of the Indy Star. That's Chris on the left.

Alex, Devon and I got over to the track a bit for Community Day, my parents had come down to surprise my brother and allow my dad to get to the track at least once in the month of May.
Here Devon and Alex are posing in front of the Real Borg Warner Trophy. I have no idea what the looks were for, they did everything but smile.

I attended with my race partner, Rick whose wife doesn't really care to go - it works out for all of us and besides, she says I am one of the few who can put up with his ornery ass.

To add to the merriment (drunk fest) Rick's brother Tim and his wife Sandy joins us again for the race. Good time had by all! My brother's team took their car to 10th place! Rick was my DD and delivered me home where I promptly walked straight up to my bed, stripped and passed out!

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