Sunday, August 26, 2007


Friday evening I got in the car to go to Alex's game, the temperature gauge read 105, it cooled down a bit before I hit the school...99. They didn't win their game, but the football team did in between a huge downpour, think it got over at midnight. Not a big high school football fan but can't help know when they score, they fire off a cannon, with my house only 2 blocks away, its just like being there.

It was a hot, wet Saturday, the weather couldn't decide if it wanted to pour or roast us as we sat on the sidelines. We played 2 games, here are few pics of Kelsey.

The games were brutal, the refs not calling anything and the girls came away victors in both games but with a lot of war wounds, thankfully nothing serious but they were hurting. I took off between games and dried their pre-game shirts that were soaking wet from the first game, it was all worth the hassle of finding a laundry mat (15 minutes away and had to ask 2 stores for directions) when the I left and over heard the girls exclaim with excited voices 'they are still warm', everyone loves shirts right out of the dryer.

The CG Lady Trojans now have a website here: CG Lady Trojans

Sunday was the day I decided to tackle the yard. With no rain this summer, the weeds are growing just fine, the lawn, well, its been almost 6 weeks since I mowed if that tells you anything. (I just trimmed the tall weeds). I managed to get a few things done outside and it is now ready for fall, the worst is getting all the tiny weeds growing on my patio. I gave Patches a new soccer ball to destroy and he was having a good time.

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