Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Tile, Missing Bird and Snow?

As I was getting ready for work this morning I was summoned to the downstairs by both my daughters screaming to me up the stairs. It seems our live in wildlife was stalking prey last night and the evidence was left in the living and around the house.

Never did find 'the body', still looking.....

The Tile is down!!!

With the hard work for Rick (thank you, thank you - I have great friends)... we worked to get the tile down and the stuff back into some semblance of a house....there is still some patching, painting to do on the walls and finishing work.....but the floors are in and looking awesome!!! As always, random images of Alex appear on the camera

Snow is on the way to our fair state and as usual catches me having not gone shopping for groceries for a bit. Now to hear my girls tell, there is No Food in the house but a quick scan of the pantry and freezer tells another story. There is no use, I must hit the store and endure all the last minute bread, milk, egg buyers.....

We are taking a break from the house wrecking follies to slow down and participate in the looming holiday season. Shopping, decorating and possibly some cookie baking still needs to be enjoyed! Work will resume after the holidays with my own personal deadline of February for full house completion..stay tuned.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The Floors

It began in October with the tearing out of the wall and removing the viynl and carpeting. I am putting down porcelain tile downstairs, it is coming along and will be finished soon - I am so excited. A friend has been gracious enough to do it for me, he started the weekend we went to granny's. With him laying the tile, we do the grouting and clean up, I move everything to start the next section. This has allowed me the benefit of keeping my household functioning. We are almost there, this week we will grout, then I get to clean up, move stuff and get ready for the last phase...

Course, this just lets me move onto the next thing....getting ready for Christmas and Kelsey's birthday on the 7th - dang, where is the time going.

Grandpa's Cabin & Church

My grandfather was a scoutmaster for many years in Kansas City, it was his life and he did many things to move the organization of Boy Scouts along. He was a 'father' figure to many young men. When he passed, they named the Boy Scout cabin next to the church for him.

In the 90's, the current scoutmaster Mr. Ealy was shot by a 13 year old boy trying to steal the money from the boy scouts popcorn drive. They re-dedicated the cabin in both their names.

Thanksgiving with Granny B

The girls and I packed up and headed to Kansas City. My grandmother is moving to Chicago from a 3 bedroom, full basement house to an apartment. She decided to make only one move versus staying in Kansas City, then later having to move to Chicago.

As you can well imagine, this is both stressful, heartbreaking and sad for her, she is leaving her home of 60+ years, the few friends she has left and a life she has known. For many, this is an easy move, for granny I know it is hard.

The house she leaves behind has gone through raising 2 natural born children and 100's of adopted children who were grandpa's scouts. I lived there for the first 5 years of my life and many summers after that, my grandfather battled cancer from the front room of the house, watching friends, neighbors, his scouts and the squirrels. It has a lot of good memories and like any long lived home, some bad ones...but it has served us well.

When I was younger, the gardens were beautiful under the loving care of my granny, a true green-thumb. The raspberries and gooseberries are harvested for some of the sweetest jelly you have ever tasted. She would like to tell of me digging up the front gardens cause you could find the best night-crawlers there. I played red-rover over the brick walk and spent many of hours with my friend on the front porch.

So, over Thanksgiving, off we went to pack up memories, grandma's house and for me, try to get her to listen to some reason. You can imagine after that many years there was a lot of stuff, did I mention a lot of stuff........

She wants to take it all. Now just measuring the dimensions of the two homes, we know it ain't going to fit. So through pure stubbornness she taught me with honed skilled....as I kept telling her I learned from the master. We got through it with getting rid of a little stuff. Okay, I screwed up sorting and sending some of the sweaters to the salvation army, and yes I heard about it....but things that are precious to her are lovingly packed so they will make the journey, and slowly it is coming together. My parents worked so hard, I was glad I could help in some way.

Oh, I failed to mention I endured being told to shut up and threaten to be hit with the sledge hammer by my granny...I laughed....bless her heart, she can't help it!

Love you Granny B....I know this is hard.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The house is getting there

As fall arrives so does my penchant to crank up house projects. This year, with the change of job and life in general I worked it out that I could complete several projects at once, some I have been waiting many years to complete.

Fencing, they are up and beautiful. The dog loves the freedom to run and I like the freedom to just let him out the door. But, as with any one project several will follow - its a cascade effect.

Downstairs, the flooring is removed, most of the walls are painted, flooring purchased now just awaiting a little assistance in getting the floors laid out. I just don't trust myself enough when it comes to measurements and fractures. I have laid out the foyer tile and got an idea of what I want it to look like, but I am not yet prepared to dive into the actual application yet, I am getting there.

Things left to do, finish painting the hallways, course with any project this involves 'preparation'...something I am not fully known for. So, my 18ft ladder is buried away in the garage behind a mass of stuff that was evacuated from my living and dining rooms.

The kitchen cabinet needs to be moved, again, just hesitant in my skills into moving the actual cabinet, I am awaiting help to arrive with direction soon, once this is complete I will continue with tiling into the kitchen. Once complete, new countertops and sink will be installed.

Upstairs, we are replacing the shower/tub with just a shower unit, complete with glass sliding doors. I have the big tub in my bathroom, and we just don't use this one, besides its cracked and needs to be replaced. I have found the shower and surround I want, now just got to price out installation (I hate working with contractors and just the whole process of it all - its why I tend to do things myself). I miss Armin, my handy man in Kentucky...could always trust him, he did great work and the prices were reasonable.

I'm workin on it as I can, it gets frustrating some days, I just want it done but I figure, if I wasn't waiting on myself, I would be waiting on someone else and that would be more expensive waiting! ;)

Soccer for Kelsey is done.....

As one of many final chapters in Kelsey's high school career begin to close, soccer is the first. The girls played a tough state game and it came down to one goal, the other team won. We as parents were so proud of our girls and how they handled themselves, a parent couldn't ask for a better group of girls.

you were just four
when soccer came knocking at our door

the ball, shin guards and cleats
they look so big on your feet

I stood there at the fields
watching you never yield

I gained more daughters
than any mother should

I felt pride, joy and laughter
in all that you were after

I prayed, hoped and hurt
when the game put you in the dirt

you learned strength, skill and resolve
through this you all have evolved

you learned friendship, leadership and team
in it you all found your dreams

never has a mother felt so much pride
thank you for the ride....

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

CGHS - Wins Semi-State

After making it through sectionals and regionals, we were off to Evansville, Indiana for the semi-state matchups. A three hour, no easy way to get there drive, I left on Friday to make the trek. One missed turn and several small town, country road and s-curve roads later I made it around midnight, missed the trip down to the boat, but relaxed with a few of the other parents that had come in late.

Up early Saturday, we were off to play our first game of the semi-state, after a early first goal, the girls finalized the game winning 5-0, that put the team into the elite 8. A 5 hour layover between games left us sometime to relax, eat and in the case of Lisa, myself and a few other parents, head down to the riverboat casino.

I quickly lost $20 on the roulette table, my numbers weren't hitting so off I went to seek out the penny slots, an hour later, I was up 120.00. Knowing we had to get back for the evening game I found Lisa working a slot, I sat down next to her, while waiting I stuck 10 into the machine in front of me....it hit, another 30 up!!!

The girls faced Columbus North for the final game, it was an even match, with 2 minutes left in the game, score 0-0, Lindsey scored a final goal and the girls won Semi-state for the first time in 10 years!!! It was a great weekend all around!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Friday evening I got in the car to go to Alex's game, the temperature gauge read 105, it cooled down a bit before I hit the school...99. They didn't win their game, but the football team did in between a huge downpour, think it got over at midnight. Not a big high school football fan but can't help know when they score, they fire off a cannon, with my house only 2 blocks away, its just like being there.

It was a hot, wet Saturday, the weather couldn't decide if it wanted to pour or roast us as we sat on the sidelines. We played 2 games, here are few pics of Kelsey.

The games were brutal, the refs not calling anything and the girls came away victors in both games but with a lot of war wounds, thankfully nothing serious but they were hurting. I took off between games and dried their pre-game shirts that were soaking wet from the first game, it was all worth the hassle of finding a laundry mat (15 minutes away and had to ask 2 stores for directions) when the I left and over heard the girls exclaim with excited voices 'they are still warm', everyone loves shirts right out of the dryer.

The CG Lady Trojans now have a website here: CG Lady Trojans

Sunday was the day I decided to tackle the yard. With no rain this summer, the weeds are growing just fine, the lawn, well, its been almost 6 weeks since I mowed if that tells you anything. (I just trimmed the tall weeds). I managed to get a few things done outside and it is now ready for fall, the worst is getting all the tiny weeds growing on my patio. I gave Patches a new soccer ball to destroy and he was having a good time.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Big Weekend

Whew! We all made it through the first week of school. Kelsey's varsity team beat their rivals 2-1 for the first game of the season. Alex played Friday, their game ended in a tie 0-0.

Grandma and Grandpa came down on Saturday for a visit and I was having fun making my niece giggle. We all went to the zoo on Sunday, it started out with beautiful weather, getting a little hot and humid towards the afternoon. We all enjoyed the day.

We were also introduced to Chris's new baby.

A very good week of family and fun!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

First Day of School

It's here....both my girls are now in High School and I feel old.
But as tradition, here is the first day off to school picture!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ticking off Worry List Items

Thats all I can call it, my worry list on Saturday it was very long by today there many things to be done and still a few big tasks to accomplish but as each one fades, so does my belief the world just ended for me. I took the day off today, a needed break to rebuild myself a bit. Diet by stress, not eating and not sleeping is truly not a good thing for a body, I might look skinny, but damn....who wants that if you have to feel this way, um, not me.

The girls have stepped up, Kelsey took her drive and tenacity for which I admire her for and worked on getting 72 tubs of cookie dough sold to cover both her and Alex's fees for soccer. You'll be getting a call soon, if you haven't already! They both continue to assist on the house. I had to re-engage as Mom and get Alex out of her contacts for which she is allowed to wear only for soccer....had to, maybe a little to loudly, remind her what would happen if she doesn't quit wearing her contacts and let her eyes heal, vanity is sometimes tough but loosing your vision would be far worse.

Family and friends, all I can do is thank you. Those who know me know I find it difficult to ask for help so as not to impose or bring my stress into their lives, each call and e-mail I have received with your support, assistance and mentoring have led me to tears of relief and joy. I am so selfish in never realizing what good people I have surrounded myself with and they have always been there ready when I truly needed them. You know I can thank you all enough.

I am off to shake the stress from my shoulders and chant my mantra of 'opportunity, opportunity, opportunity'. A tip I received, it does help.

Red/White and So Blue

What was supposed to be an exciting day for the girls and me, the Red/White game which introduces the seasons Soccer teams to the parents with a day of exhibition games, cookouts and fun, I baked in the sun for 5 hours, the day was hot and I found out I could sweat in places I didn't know I could, maybe in the end a cleansing of the body and mind.

The girls had plans for the evening and I did as well, 2 bottles of wine, a good friend to talk to and 2 big golden retrievers laying on top of us. It rained, again another cleansing? We sat out under an umbrella feeling the gentle mist of the rain fall over us for a little while, enjoying the sound. It was a welcomed respite, even with this, sleep was limited and food really didn't look interesting.

Friday, August 03, 2007

My world crashed......

As of today, I am no longer with my employer.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I'm Over It - Timeout

There comes a point in your life you have to call a timeout and I did, I was feeling angry, stressed and bitchy, I needed a break to spend some time catching up with friends, of course playing poker and letting some of the tension in my shoulders relax enough so I don't look so hunched back.

Kelsey spent the weekend at Ball State attending a newspaper clinic they ran, Alex was out and about with friends all weekend, mom as always was attending to the house and getting in a few work hours to catch up before the week ahead hit.

Tryouts for soccer were this week and the girls were both nervous and excited knowing 3 days of hard practices and tryouts would be there. Each day, they got up at were at the school by 6:45am. God love them.

Tuesday was again a horribly stressful day at work with the fallout of the server, another large deadline looming, and 2 more right behind it, I threw up..my body reacting when I could no longer do so and wondering why ultimately I put myself through this. Wednesday slammed in with more, the air at work filled with tension and stress, ....the other thing it was the day to find out who was to make what team, Kelsey made Varsity, Alex Freshman....this was tough for Alex and me as well. Freshman is a developmental team, not bad, but truly she wanted to be along with many of her friends on JV, I know this was tough and it took everything I had to put away my own stresses and focus on her disappointment. As I had with Kelsey, I tried to encourage to talk her to the coaches and ask what does she need to work on to have the opportunity to be moved up to JV, unlike Kelsey, this is a little harder for Alex. Oh, dang, this is what motherhood is all about. Life has not been all roses and we need to all get back on balance - especially me, I feel like I am spiraling, trying to get things back in line and it ain't working - I am only one person.

Another long day facing a computer, my shoulders knotted to a solid mass from hours of continuous work without getting up and the news that Alex has eye infections. Her contacts aren't allowing enough oxygen to the eyes - as explained whites cells were developing and if left to continue without treatment she could get ulcers and possibly loose her vision, alright god, enough, come on now - its really time to stop. can I cry for a minute now, please?

Monday, July 30, 2007

Brickyard 400

For the 2nd year, Dave, Amy, Rich and myself were off the Brickyard 400. It was a sweltering hot day and we were grateful for the seats under the stands! Surrounded by Jeff Gordon fans, I proudly wore my Tony Stewart shirt, they were not all happy.

The race was great, Amy and I managed to get most of the beers before the boys did, we are so good at this.

And of Course - Tony Won!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Whew! Another stressful day

Work is 24/7, my mind reeling with all the tasks needing to be accomplished, support to be given and engaging everyone of my skills to keep them all juggling. It does get tough at times. The two biggest items on my plate, Kelsey getting an endoscopy and moving the hosting servers for work. Both truly require my full attention.

Kelsey, if you have read previously was suspected have had ulcers, she was going in for an endoscopy to verify this and to what extent. Selfishly I was again putting work before my family and had been considering canceling and re-scheduling this because as life always likes intervene, the final move and her endoscopy fell on the same day. I am so glad I didn't. She was scheduled for early in the morning so it meant we had to be up and out to go downtown. Jarod wanted to go along and to my surprise, he was up and moving, a little sluggish. Kelsey understandably was scared, but overall was a true trooper. I got to participate along with her in tasting the nasty medicine she had to hold in her throat for numbing (I tasted it, its truly nasty). Off I went to wait with Jarod. I don't know how long had past and they came and got us. She was in recovering, drowsy from the meds and just as silly as could be. The Dr. came in and let us know what was going on, not good but manageable. Poor girl had been suffering with a small intestine & 3 stomach ulcers along with an inflamed esophagus. The plan of action, medicine and absolutely NO, NO ibuprofen and aspirin, this was the probably the root cause of her troubles. I feel responsible for this, both girls use ibuprofen on a regular basis for their various sports related injuries and bruises. Ice and ibuprofen was my usual response for first level of treatment. This ain't all bad, but not good on a regular basis especially when taken on empty stomachs. Learn and live. Tylenol is safest on your innards just in case you wanted to know.

As she was getting awake enough to get her moving, she realized she was hungry, still being silly from the meds, a very quick litany of food thoughts spewed from her mouth.......oh I want, two mcdonald cheeseburgers, no taco bell, no arby's, hardees oh I am so hungry. We settled on Denny's and proceeded to head out. She didn't eat, tried, but when it finally came down to it, she was still not fully up from everything. Off home to get her settled I was forced to leave her at home in the care of Jarod with explicit instructions to keep her down....don't let her do anything!!!!

Off to work I went, my mind switching gears and trying to figure out what order and items still need to be completed to get the servers moved. Moving servers is difficult, it's like unplugging a hugely sophisticated stereo system, throwing all the cables in a box, mixing them up a bit and then trying to resemble it all in its new home - remembering everything that had to be moved, components that need to be connected and testing it all to make it worked. Thankfully for myself I am organizer, it makes my brain be able to focus on getting the tasks done rather what needs to be done.

I arrived to my new recently moved office with my computer system running, files/supplies in boxes with construction workers all over the place. I tried to get going but damn, its pretty hard, already stressed, and trying to think when you have people working on ductwork over your head and full blown construction work happening all around you. Interrupted twice for them to work over my cube after just being there an hour, the many tasks that needed to be done, I and another choose to head out knowing we could better focus elsewhere. Back in the car again, by this time I have already put a good 100 miles on the car, stress building for the days events and worry about Kelsey.

What do I arrive to? My biggest fear, Kelsey is up and baking banana bread and doing laundry....where is Jarod, the boy was passed out. I allowed her to finish and ordered her back to bed where with my fussing out to her to stay down, she did. With a school meeting that evening, I got straight into getting everything setup for the server move, its an orchestration with trying to keep everyone on the same page and trying to account for everything that might go wrong, the move was to occur at 6pm. With my plan in hand to minimize downtime on the site, everyone notified, feeling satisfied I done what I could do, I left for the meeting .

Boring meeting, but necessary - school starts in a few weeks - Alex being a freshman, its required - course I was distracted the whole time hoping everything with the move was going smoothly and that we had covered all bases.

Meeting over, straight to my computer (its sick sometimes, I know this) I checked in with my developer who assists i - uh oh, trouble in paradise....plans had been changed without my knowledge, the result the site was down and that was a problem, ultimately my problem. Oh God, why do you do this to me, hey I am strong, but come on...give me a break here - a girl can only handle so much. Well, again, best laid plans and a change of plans it didn't happen that way. essentially by midnight everything was down on something that was completely out of my control, I would have to wait until morning to deal with ramifications and work on getting things fixed....Kelsey thankfully been following my instructions remained down for the rest of the day by 2am my mind slowly wound down enough to let me drop off into a fitful sleep....

Sunday, July 22, 2007

It's Cheer Camp Time

Off to IU for a 4 day Cheer Camp for Alex. She will be a Freshman basketball cheerleader for the high school this year, cheerleading is all new to me. Thankfully, if she wanted to play soccer, basketball was the only squad she could tryout for, it keeps me warm! ;)

The girls left early in the morning, loading the buses was an interesting mass organized chaos children, luggage, huge coolers, bags of food all trying to get into 2 buses and one van. Off they went. There were several items, tryouts and the such through out the week the parents could attend, on a couple I would of like to have gone down, but by the time I put in all my hours at work (stress factor 9) and drive an almost 2 hours down to where she was, I just couldn't. It did provide Alex some private, bonding away time and of course fun. I know she missed me on Monday evening.

When Thursday came along, it was the parents responsibility to pick them up. Having taken a welcomed morning off of work, i rode down with a fellow parent for the days activities. We arrived at 9am with a gaggles of cheerleaders spread all over the center. Some practicing for the competition ahead of them, some hanging out and chatting and parents slowly filtering in and getting re-acquainted. After about an hour (and parents getting restless), the show began. Each squad was to compete in three different categories for camp trophies. I settled to sitting on the track (no bleachers) with a few of my favorite cheer moms to proceed to watch the festivities. Okay, I will admit it did get a little old when you have to wait for all the squads to go through their routines before having the opportunity to view your girls.

Alex is a flyer or the person who gets lifted up and in the older squads thrown into the air. Those who know Alex are saying 'well no duh!', for those who don't, she is very petite in stature and weight. This is both fun and scary for me to watch. She is trusting a bunch of girls to lift her by either both her ankles or just one and lift her above their heads. It takes practice, communication and trust on all their parts to ensure that Alex does not drop or get hurt. All the squads had some falters and Alex's was no exception. Don't ask me which routine this is, all I know Alex went to be lifted and some mis-communication ensued, bottom line, she bowed out and starting cheering. She didn't feel safe and good for her to understand this.

Will post a couple of videos & pics soon I took with my camera, you can see we are sitting on the track right along with the kids, oh my butt after hour 1. They won 1st place for their nicely executed Pom routine.

All Cheer Routines - Alex is one nearest camera on top!

A Few Pictures

Awards (finally) and now off to the dorm to get their stuff. We grabbed lunch and back home by noon. For me it was work, back to the stress of horribly tight deadlines and expectations with no support. I have not ever seen in my life the degradation of a company's culture than I have witnessed over the past year. I try to keep focused and get done what I can and need to, I ended up working late into the evening as always.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Happy 4th!

Happy Fourth Everyone!!!

Alex headed off to the beach to spend a weekend with one of her friends, Kelsey and I headed up north to meet our new editions to the family, to celebrate my mother's day of birth and spend time with family.

First - Happy Birthday Mom, this great lady came into this world on July 3rd and this year celebrates another good year of life - hey, I won't disclose her age but she's a youngster. Our gift to her this year, the opportunity to spend time with both her daughters, new grandson's her eldest granddaughter and of course, my brother in law and Dad.

After arriving into town on the 4th, Kelsey and I tired from the hectic weeks preceeding were pretty much in the mood to just hang and relax knowing the next day we would back into the car to be headed up north. We did enjoy a mini shopping spree for baby stuff in our anticipation of meeting our new editions to the family, that is always fun and thankfully for me, someone else is using it. Fun to buy but I would no longer want to be in a position to use it!

We headed up north to the land where they say 'eh, cows roam, cheese and bratwurst are readily available. The boys are beautiful and we all took many turns holding them, loving them and visiting with Steph & Todd. They are both looking tired and doing well taking each day and its challenges as they come along. Excited we of course showered them with all our newly bought things that provided which is always fun and geez, two boys, who doesn't need super industrial need a fork-lift size box of diapers.

Though we were excited to have the opportunity we also knew that we couldn't go overboard as not to stress them out. But this allowed us to visit with Steph & Todd, something I don't get to do often enough (miss u both).

The boys are movie stars in their own rights with video and pictures being taken constantly, with no flash as not to strain or hurt their still developing eyes.

Pics available of our visit shortly.

Kelsey we found is a natural at keeping the boys calm, but on her first try to change a diaper, well I will post the video clip soon! We came back home on Saturday, Alex arrived home on Monday after some car trouble delayed their trip home. I know Alex was so upset they had to stay in Florida one more day.

I hope your holidays were as enjoyable as my own!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Quick Month

It has been a fast month starting with the end of school, soccer tournaments and full blast into summer. The girls have been keeping busy with soccer conditioning 3 times a week, work for Kelsey and other summer activities.

Kelsey is doing better at this time they are leaning towards ulcer but she will have an endoscopy in July to finalize it, too much ibuprofen is what the GI guy is thinking. Alex and I have been pretty much hangin not getting into to much. I have had no energy to get much done anywhere and actually took a weekend and did nothing, that was truly amazing. The lawn is about to go up in flames due to drought, but I am almost thankful because I have not had to mow for the entire month.

July is just around the corner, Alex is with friends in Destin right now, last report she got stung by a jellyfish but is surviving. Kelsey and I are headed to Chicago next week for the 4th festivities and to jump up and see my sister and my new nephews. The boys were released earlier than expected which left them a little un-prepared. Hawthorne is adjusting and doing well at home. It was a little much for Ethan who just quit breathing (stress) and had to be taken back to the hospital, he is doing well now. I can't image how scary it was for my sister who had to do CPR and call the medics.

I wish everyone a Happy Summer and hope you are all doing well.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Soccer and IVs

The first weekend of June found me attending 6 games over the weekend, both the girls teams didn't do so well, they fought hard but just couldn't get it together. The second weekend of June, another 6 games starting on Friday the 8th and up early the next morning for a 7:30am game - UGH!

We managed to do better in this tournament with Alex's team pulling out for the championship and Kelsey's placing 2nd by forfeiture to their sister league team.

Kelsey's team had just played the same team at 1:30pm, since it ended in a tie that meant they both played again at 5pm. Her team had no subs so this meant the girls had to run for 35 minutes straight with no breaks and it was hot outside. This is where Kelsey ran into some trouble. With her current condition which doesn't make her want to drink a lot for fear of stomach pain and playing her heart out - in the second game, she went down....

Me, I was running back and forth in between the awards tent and the game trying to get Alex taken care of and send her off to the lake with her team mates for celebration.

My last trip over to the fields it was halftime, my friend leans over and says that is Kelsey on the ground, I waited (sometimes they just lay down a bit) but when her teammates came running over stating they were getting a medic, that is when mom went running - I found her crying, cramping and shaking. The medic showed up and was a familiar face, her high school trainer - 'Trainer Dave' looked at Kelsey, looked at me and said - take her to the ER, she needs fluids. So off to the hospital we went, Kelsey got lots of tests run - first time in her life she really has anything medical like this. They pumped her full of IVs and home we went. She was told mandatory down for 3 days. So when I come home Monday what do I find, the house cleaned, laundry done and more - so much for mandatory down, she doesn't know the meaning, stubborn German - just like her mama.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Kelsey Gots Pains

During finals week Kelsey had been complaining of side and stomach pain. After playing soccer over the weekend, she decided to tell me a few more of her symptoms - it was time to get her to the Dr.

So off we went, some blood work and a CT Scan we still not sure what's going on. The CT didn't show enough of her inards for them to get a good look so they want to do another one and we are going to see a GI doc at the end of the month. This is the first time Kelsey ever had blood drawn or anything medical with exception of pulled tendons...it all new to her.

Other than hurting after eating and excercise, she is doing alright and going about her normal activities....will keep 'ya posted.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Schools Out for Summer

Wow another school year is done, a busy hectic week for both the girls, mostly Kelsey with finals and SAT to take on Saturday. Soccer season is winding up then will be finished with a couple of tournaments, but resumes for High School with conditioning starting on Monday morning, I know Alex is not looking forward to this at all.

Memorial Weekend was much fun, I went to the race and my driver ended up winning so that put some $$ in my pocket, I was very excited.

Girls have finished this year with great grades, Alex is now officially a freshman and I am officially a parent of two high schoolers....the years have gone by quickly, Alex was only 6 when we moved here..I am doing okay with it ~ at least for now.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Kelsey's Prom

Dance at the Children's Museum, Post Prom at the High School and more.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A New Mom with her Sons

Steph had an enjoyable mother's day being able to hold both boys and taking family photos. Ethan and Hawthorne are doing well and progressing each day.

Keep your good thoughts and prayers they grow stronger each day.

Read Stephanie's Blog

Love you all

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day Weekend at the Track

A Tradition in my Family....

We all went on Saturday and enjoyed the day. Sunday, April and Dad took the day and I worked mother's day in the girls rooms switching and cleaning them...it was so relaxing, uh not! The garage is once again full of stuff that needs to be dealt with and my car is back outside...thank goodness its warm.

But it was done and Alex's new bed was constructed.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Where the buffalo roam...

A trip for work to Cody, Wyoming, it was beautiful.

Monday, April 23, 2007

A new Aunt again x2

A little early to arrive, my sister Stephanie went into labor on Sat. and was hospitalized with the hope that labor could be delayed. This was not successful and she delivered 2 little boys Sat. night about 10:30 pm.

Welcome Hawthorne and Ethan!
We are so excited you are with us!

Hawthorne Edwin. Weighs 2 lbs. 4 oz. 14 ins. long and Ethan Eoghan (Celtic for Eugene) and weighs 2 lbs.14ins long.

They will be in neo-natal for a few months. Prognosis is good but guarded. They were both big for being 26 1/2 weeks which doctors feels is a plus for them.

Congratulations Stephanie and Todd!
We Love and Miss you Both!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Thunder over Louisville.....

Derby festivities begin with a bang......we were in town for a soccer tournament!

While watching the games on Saturday we were entertained by different mini-airshows, they were practicing for later that evening. And always the little kid, I had to stop and point out the stealth bomber to the girls - they really weren't excited.

The weekend wasn't much thunder for the girls on the field, but they enjoyed themselves it was a good bonding weekend. The weather was beautiful and a good friend and co-developer of mine joined us Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, she was just needing a reason to sit outside, I provided!

We stayed in on Saturday and allowed the to eat pizza, swim and bond. With all the crowds downtown, it was a good thing....though I really, really wanted to be a the fireworks, did I mention, I love fireworks!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

It's a Deere!

Dad finally got himself a John Deere Tractor, he is so excited.......

We won't mention he still has a full size 1940 something Farmall H sitting in the garage next door, but it's a little big to do the lawn with!!!!!

Congrats Dad!
And welcome to your 2nd Retirement, it's about time!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Prom Dresses and Where is Spring?

It has been a cold, windy awful weather week. Tough for all those spring breakers coming back. My plants I got into the ground a couple of weeks ago are still struggling, but alive. Soccer has pretty much been canceled all week due to either cold or the fields being to wet to play on.

Kelsey's friend Shae (one of my 2nd daughters) stayed with us this weekend with her parents out of town attending a wedding. The girls had both originally planned to go to Bloomington early before their games to check out Prom dresses. Games canceled, we went ahead down. I have to note, I love Shae especially when she calls us on her cell phone from the bathroom downstairs to let us know she needs TP - these kids have truly embraced technology to the hilt!

We had fun with them modeling several dresses and joining in on a bride to be's decision on her dress. It was a family atmosphere and we enjoyed the shop owners. Here are the girls trying on dresses.

Shae fell in love with the green Flash dress, Kelsey love the deep purple one. We will need to return to get them altered - on Kelsey, they were all way to long and a little wide around the waist/bust. But at least we do not have to go to a dozen more stores, I am so relieved.

Alex spent the day with friends and stayed over night at Ashleigh's. I got out later that night, the first time in several weeks, almost forcing myself to go - by the time I got out, it was snowing making me want to snuggle at home. But, glad I went out and enjoyed the opening of a friend's new bar and another friend's birthday, slide show is on myspace.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Dying Eggs

The girls made it home, I was still out shopping, they weren't happy I wasn't there to welcome them home, but I think I made it up. I dropped the bomb on them my decision to switch their bedrooms putting Alex into the bigger room and Kelsey in the smaller one. It is a decision based on effective space use since Alex is here and usually with anywhere between 2-5 friends crammed into her small room. Kelsey sleeps and does homework. Her first comment, great you are already moving me out the door! Being fair, Kelsey will get to repaint and buy a few new pieces of furniture, that smoothed it over a bit.

Jarrod joined us for the rest of the day and being Easter is tomorrow we cannot forgo the season favorite activity of Dying Easter Eggs, Jarrod had never done it before - We were amazed - he delved in and throughly enjoyed himself and so did we.

I am making Easter dinner for tomorrow and bringing it over to my brother's, with race season and a new baby, time for family dinners are at a minimum. Deviled Eggs of course will be on the menu - yum!

Happy Easter All!

Keeneland and Snow?

Sensible shoes and dress were the words of the day. I took a day off to travel south for opening day of Keeneland and to enjoy some old friends. It's about a 3 hour drive and I arrived to a welcome of wine, cheese and cold weather. Cold weather, this is opening day of Keeneland, we are supposed to be in spring dresses, enjoying bright sunshine and a warm spring breeze.

What we got was overcast snow and cold. Fortunately for me, I left my ugly old Dickie's thermal jacket in the car, it wasn't pretty but it was warm. As we got into the track, laughing at ourselves, we began laughing at all the young girls forsaking their coats, dressed in high heels and slinky dresses all in the name of 'looking good'. Silly girls, they will learn on a day like this warm and 'sensible shoes' are the only way to go.

We all enjoyed the day catching up, betting the ponies, trying to stay warm and of course drinking. I managed to make a few good hits on some races leaving me pretty much even for the day....it's been to long ladies, we need to do this again when Keeneland opens in October, hopefully it will be a much prettier day.

I got home about 9 that night, I had places I should of been but tired and still recovering, I went to bed. This morning I woke to a text message that my daughter's would be arriving home today....guess I need to go grocery shopping - uh, it dawned on me Easter is tomorrow and I haven't done a thing!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

And their gone....

I managed to make it through the week, slowly recovering but still not 100% which still leaves me a little weak after awhile I just need to lay down.

Alex's birthday was on Monday, we took her for dinner, but we still needed to have her party, the only day that everyone was available was Thursday before spring break began. So Thursday after work, her and I were off to the store to pick up party supplies and her cake, it was to be a little more laid-back affair this year. We tried several other options, but timing and friends availability did not allow any of those to happen. She had 8 girls over to hang and celebrate, 4 of them ended up sleeping over. They were both pleasure, amusement and pain sometimes. One kept insisting she was going to TP me while I slept, I informed her she wouldn't be living after that and then the lighter seen below needed to be confiscated after they decided to burn things, cake, plates, etc....Ahh kids, don't 'ya love them. They finally congregated in Alex's room chatting, IMing other friends and playing DDR.

Early Friday morning, Alex still needed to pack and I had 4 girls to get on their way home and myself into work. We managed with Kelsey taking Ashleigh home so she could see Jarrod before she left. I past their dad on his way to the house in the RV on my way into work. They are headed to St. Augustine, though Alex truly wanted to go to St. Pete.

The house was not to bad and some early morning picking up while the girls were slowly waking up, I managed to make it look decent again.

After a day of work, no kids and the house to myself, guess what I was ready for....party!!! Uh no, BED!!! and that is exactly what I did. By 6pm, I was in bed, cell phone off and no communication...rest was in order.

I woke up early Saturday, hmmm wonder if it was the 6pm bedtime? Still slow and walking like a pregnant woman whose belly hurts, I began working getting the rest of the house done. After almost 2 weeks down for the count a few things have gotten out of hand. It was a good day, storms ran throughout the day, some quite strong and the lightening hitting close, I had the windows open, I do love a good storm. In between cleaning and laundry, I rested, still getting my energy about me. Though I am hungry, it generally hurts after I eat, so I have been waiting until I can't stand it. I know, not smart, but hey you deal with the aches & pain I have. And yes, I know, what about the dr., been there, same story, pain relief, heat and time.....don't they know I am not a patient person and have things to do? I stuck close to home all day and went to bed early again, but at least my house was clean and I was feeling good about that. I am not a neat freak, but I do like some order and when chaos prevails, it truly throws me off balance, this would explain why I keep Alex's door shut -lol.

Today was a truly beautiful day, sun, light breeze and wispy clouds. My neighbor trumped me again by mowing his lawn early, this left mine looking about 2 feet to high. I know he is excited about his new 42" deck mower, but come on, at least one more week? It was time to mow, dad, you would be proud of me, I cleaned the mower deck, check the spark plug and added oil. One pull and it was running, this much to the chagrin of my other two neighbors who were attempting to start their own mowers, they weren't having much luck. Off and mowing, I like to mow, it gives me a sense of being done with something...but...problems; as I mowed a straight line from the front to the back, the water became deeper and deeper. Opps, the backyard is a moat, guess it will have to wait. I continued on with the front, finished and rested.

This is my Bradford Pear, they are all over in our neighborhood which is called Bradford Place, think there is a connection? This tree was all but dead 2 years ago. Mine and two neighbors were lost from some boring beetle. Mine started to re-generate from the base and now has come back as this beautiful flowering display.

Not to keep me down when I am on a roll, it was time to plant all those beautiful plants I picked up at the garden show before they died in their pots. Evaluating, moving and watching the sun patterns (most like partial shade) I decided most of them would do best in my big side garden, the planting began. They are all now happily resting in their new homes with expectations of rain this evening to give them a boost, if not, I will water them tomorrow after I get a new hose, mine didn't make it through the winter - I got soaked finding this out.

This is a Japanese Pieris, I fell in love with the tiny hanging rows of cockle shells when it bloomed and its an evergreen. Seeking information with my mom's help on where to plant and to know a little more about it, we discovered there is an American version called Andromeda or Moutain Fetterbush and guess what, it's highly toxic....oh well, need to tell my kids no Yule Gibbons acts on this plant...like they would even know who he is...

Once done, I rested again dozing while a wonderful breeze flowed through my windows only to be suddenly awoken by incessant ringing of my doorbell. My neighbor, the one who mowed to early, we swap equipment all the time and he was needing my spreader, for this, he took his new bad-ass mower and took care of my backyard saving me the headache and backache (the grass grows even taller & thicker back there). So laundry almost done, the house cleaned with no expectations of it getting messy this week and my yard ready for Spring, I feel I did get something done despite my slowness.....hopefully this week will be a continued recovery so I can be back to my old self, on the move, getting things done.