Friday, December 22, 2006

Counting my Blessings....

My mood has been foul lately and I have been an un-happy camper, through this all I continue to remember that there is always, always someone worse off than me and I should be thankful for what I do in attempt to 'count my blessings'

  1. I have 2 great kids that continue to impress and amaze me with their intellect, charm and humor
  2. I have a great family that is always there when I need them
  3. We are expecting 3 new additions to the family this year, each a blessing in themselves
  4. I have a roof over my head
  5. I have food to eat (though I haven't lately)
  6. I have pets to welcome me home each day excited to see me
  7. I have a job, though I have a lot of Dilbert's bosses running around.
  8. I have medical coverage (though it seems like it gets less everyday)
  9. I have what I need and sometime I get what I want
  10. I am able to pay most bills on time
  11. I have transportation
  12. I have friends who are there if I need them, but rarely do I ask for their assistance
  13. I am not sitting in the Denver airport
  14. I get up everyday and breath
So how about all of you, do you have basic blessings you need to remember - we can always take a few moments out of our day to remember what is precious to us, the rest is just stuff.

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