Took in an eTail (online retailers) conference in Palm Springs, California - It's a unique area and I got to enjoy the town, casino and Valentine's day with a very good friend of mine, it was a nice break.
I stayed at the Marriott Palm Desert Resort, a very nice place this was the view from my balcony. I met lot of individuals from companies we shop all the time, it was a informative conference. It also kept me stuffed full! The food was tasty and plenty, many a night I went home just to lay down and allow the food coma take me over.
Tonight I attended Kelsey's National Honor Society ceremony where they inducted new honorees. Kelsey is a member of the board so got to sit on stage, she is sicker than a dog with this cold/flu going around, she just hoped she made it through okay, pausing to cough when everyone clapped.
Still have projects left to do to finish off my project list. Install new bathroom shower, kitchen countertops and sink, 1/4 rounds on the floor, finish painting in spots and then it is off to the gardens to get the patio and yard ready for an open house in May/June. I am hoping the garden show that starts on the 8th will have some nice ideas and plants!!!
Soccer starts with a tournament on the weekend of the 15th - and us celebrating Alex's birthday on the 16th (she has 2 games this day also).
I now truly know what they mean when they say 'time goes so fast', it only seemed like a couple of years ago we moved here, now I am planning for Kelsey's graduation and Alex getting her driver's learning permit.